Tuesday, September 28, 2010

38 1/2 Weeks - Oh So Close!

Well, it seems Collins is holding on to one of my ribs because my body is refusing to make any progress down there. I thought for sure that something would be going on but not so. They had a hard time finding his heartbeat this morning but it didn't worry me because during the time that the nurse had the doppler on me Collins kicked her the entire time. Then, when Dr. Dennis came in to find the heartbeat he kicked him the entire time, too. When they finally got it the heartbeat was around 150.

Banks went with me to the doctor this morning. As I was giving my urine sample in the bathroom, Banks fussed at me, "mama, teetee goes in the potty not a cup". And, then, when I was undressing for the examination, Banks said, "mama, why you take your clothes off? Put your clothes back on". Hopefully this newly 3-year old will forget all that he saw. He didn't pay to much attention to the examination as I had brought Sweet Sixteen Doughnuts for him to snack on during this time. He was way more interested in the doughnuts than me on the table.

So, unless there is a drastic change, which I foresee not, Collins's c-section date will stay the same - Monday, October 4th. Now, just got to get David's honey-do list started because my body is pooped. Not a lot of sleep going on, a lot of daily and nightly bathroom breaks going on, and two boys who still want to go-go-go!

Sunday, September 26, 2010


Conversations with Banks and Hughes:

Me: Banks, what do you want to do when you grow up?
Banks: a dentist (while playing with Mr. Fill 'n Drill playdough)

Me: Hughes, what do you want to do when you grow up?
Hughes: watch tv

Dear God,
Please let Hughes' aspirations change drastically and keep Banks' the same.
A Worried Mother,

Saturday, September 25, 2010

It's Raining Diapers!

I have been showered with diapers, wipes & all kinds of cute necessities from some of the best friends a girl could ask for. Collins has diapers and wipes that will last him until he's 18!

I love seeing his name and initials monogrammed on items.

Sweet day gown that my mom gave him. He'll be wearing this home from the hospital.
With having 3 boys there is a lot of clothes sharing but a day gown is one thing that I've always gotten new for each child to come home in. We share a christening gown so this is the one thing that is completely there's. Of course, I'm sure their future wives one day will probably hate day gowns but, hey, I don't care. I love them! I guess I'll be that crazy mother-in-law that hands down a precious gown that I've saved for 30 years only to be laughed at behind my back. Can I start praying for my future daughter-in-laws now?

It was a great night with a few of my favorite girls. We are officially ready for Collins to come on out and play (without crying, of course).

Thursday, September 23, 2010


We celebrated Hughes' birthday a little early this year due to Collins' impending arrival. It was a dinosaur themed party at The Charleston Museum and all the kids loved it! Hughes invited a few of his 5-year old buddies to come learn about dinosaurs. It was great and I was happy that it wasn't at my house so there was no set-up or clean-up for me!

The Birthday Boy holding up his age - 5! I can't believe he's 5 already!

Blurry picture but it's the best I have of the both of them. My camera was on the wrong setting.

Dinosaur cupcakes courtesy of BecBec - to bad the sun melted off most of the icing hence the green pool the cupcakes are sitting in. Oh well, no kid complained.

Family Picture

Checking out the dinosaur fossils with Miller & Lucy.

Wyatt & Conley in the puppet theatre.

Listening to Miss Ryn teach us about different types of dinosaurs. Hughes was interested, I promise!

On to the art activities - each kid got to make two fossils and then paint a triceratops bank.

Wyatt, Conley & Miller focusing on their banks.

Hughes, William & Banks hard at work.

This was part of the scavenger hunt through the museum. They all had picture lists to find certain items in the museum. I stayed behind but David said it was great.

Look at that glowing cupcake! He blew it out without a problem.

Hughes has already said he wants to do his party again. I think after so much fuss over Banks' party, Hughes was glad to have the spotlight. We had a Dino-Mite time!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Soon-to-be Big Brothers

Well, technically, Hughes is already a big brother but Banks will soon be joining the ranks.
I had my weekly check-up this morning with Dr. Dennis and I'm making progress. I'm 70% effaced and I've lost 2 more pounds. He couldn't check for dilation because my cervix was posterior and he said he would have hurt me had he tried - to that, I thanked him! He thinks I'll make it through this weekend but has moved my normal Wednesday appointment to Tuesday just in case we need to move the c-section up to next week.

I think Collins has created about 10 more inches of stretch marks on my stomach in the past 24 hours. He is constantly kicking, stretching, punching, head butting everything in his way. His heartbeat sounded good this morning but I can't remember what it was. He was definitely showing off his kicking skills at the dr.'s office. Every time the nurse or Dr. Dennis would touch my stomach he would give them a swift kick right where their hand was.

As for the big brothers, they have been troopers. The other morning I sighed on the way to school and Hughes asked me why I did that. I explained to them that Collins was making it hard for me to sleep and that there wasn't much room left for Collins in my tummy. Hughes then told me that Collins could come sleep in his bed at night if he wanted. It just melted my heart. Hughes is such a sweet child and he has already shown a lot of interest in Collins (way more than he did with Banks, although he was only 23 months old when Banks came along).

Banks brought home a picture today from school where he had drawn Collins into the family portrait. Hughes brought one home already and I love them both. Banks loves to hug my tummy and feel Collins move. After we feel Collins move then we always have to put our hands on his tummy and feel his baby move.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

37 Weeks and Home Alone

Is that a beach ball under my shirt?

I had my weekly check-up this past Wednesday. Everything sounded and looked good. Collins' heartbeat was 164 and I, actually, had lost 2lbs. I'm not sure how that happened. I think the scale was wrong. I was 1cm but to a 3rd time mom I know that I can walk around 1cm for weeks so that didn't get me too excited or scared.

I guess not scared at all since I sent David and the boys down to Auburn for the Auburn/Clemson game 7 hours away. My entire family except Kent is down there tailgating and having a great time. I'm a little jealous but realized the best place for me right now is at home. Although Bill thought it would be cool to give birth in Jordan-Hare, I had to disagree. I don't think giving birth on the jumbotron would be such a great thing.

So, I'm at home alone. Oh, and I'm loving it!!!!! I've gotten so much done and I've done a little pampering for myself, too. It's quite nice not having to fix juice cups, wipe hineys, listen to crying, etc.. I know it will be a long time before it's this quiet in the house again so I'm enjoying it. I think today I'll go sit on the beach for a few hours. That is after I get my pedicure!

War Eagle!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

He lives where?

Banks with all his superhero knowledge is sure to impress to any girl. I've said before that he can tell you who many mask crusaders are without their masks. David has added to that and is now talking to Banks about where the superheroes live. Well, this is a bit of the conversation this morning at 6:45am:

David: Banks, do you know where Batman lives?

Banks: no, where does Batman live?

David: Gotham City

Banks: Ga Dam (of course he was trying to say Gotham but it had us cracking up)

So, according to Banks, Batman does not live in a very nice city.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Banks' Batman Birthday Party

This past Sunday, Banks had his Batman Birthday Party that he has been talking about since this summer. I'm not sure when or where Batman became such a huge part of his life but he loves it. Banks can tell you the name of Batman's true identity (Bruce Wayne), Spiderman's true identity (Peter Parker), Superman's true identity (Clark Kent) and we're working on Ironman's identity. I can't say his love of superheroes has not been helped along by his Dad but I can say that they both are having a great time.

We started our celebration Sunday morning with letting him open our birthday present to him - a new Batman costume complete with muscle chest. It's a size 2-4 but it didn't stop this Batman. We just rolled up the pants and put on our Batman boots (thanks Dawa & G-Daddy). To say he loved it would be the understatement of the year.

We, of course, wore our Batman costume to our Batman Birthday Party even though it was 95 degrees. He thought he was the coolest kid at the playground that day. He definitely enjoyed all the attention he got from outsiders.

Super MaryBec & Super Lucy

Super Wyatt & Batman holding his new Batman thermos - Thanks Wyatt!

Super Charles

Hughes hanging with Miller and Lucy - the two loves of his life.

David carrying the kids across the monkey bars. I think he did this for about 30 minutes. Super Thomas is in the background sans cape.

Super Francis enjoying some cake. It was fabulous - thanks Mom!

BecBec and Batman

Batman and Super Conley

Kentos/The Joker terrorizing Batman

Blowing out those three birthday candles.

Hudson, Chandler, & Thomas enjoying the cupcakes.

Batman loves chocolate.

When we got home BecBec and PopPop gave Banks their special present - a real bike! Kentos and Aunt Trina helped the look with a Batman bike helmet and bell. Banks loves the bike and he is ready to cruise the neighborhood.

At the end of the day, Batman was exhausted, cranky, whiny & whipped. So was I!
Happy Birthday Banks - I'm glad there are 365 days before we have to have another one!
Albeit, we're celebrating Hughes' birthday next week so wish me luck!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Dear Banks

Dear Banks,

You are an amazing 3-year old. Your mind is a sponge and your vocabulary is out-of-this-world. Your teachers say that you are the most mature in your classroom and I believe it. You think you're Hughes' age and size which I can't blame you for because you've always played with Hughes' friends.

You love to play wescue boat (rescue boat), pretend to be Batman and Dad always has to be the Joker, any sport, and any and all superhero toys. You can tell us who Batman and Spiderman are without their masks. You can also identify Wolverine, Robin, Superman, & Ironman. I'm sure there are plenty more that you know but that is the extent of my superhero knowledge. I'm learning as we go who is who and what superpowers they bestow. You are definitely all boy!

You are 100% potty trained which makes me very happy. Your favorite meal of the day is breakfast. You love cold waffles, hot pancakes, cereal, & cereal bars. Your favorite drink is milk. You're not a big lunch or dinner eater. You still take a rest during the day but you are also still a great sleeper at night. You go to school 3 mornings/week and really like it.

You had your 3-year Well Child visit last week with Dr. Geils. You are 38 inches tall (55%) and you weigh 30.6 pounds (50%). You were very interested in what she was doing and sat very patiently while she listened to your heart, checked your ears, and while the nurse took your blood pressure (89/58). You were very perceptive and I could tell that you were taking it all in.

Banks, you brighten my day every morning when you come running into our room. I can't remember when I only had one son. It seems like you and Hughes are a pair and have always been together. You love him so much and he feels the same way about you. I know that Collins is going to love having you as a brother!

Always stay sweet, always be a good listener, always share with your friends, always tell the truth, always give your mama unsolicited hugs and kisses, always be a great brother, always be you!

I love you to the moon and back!

Happy 3rd Birthday Banks!

He was a baby,

Then, he was one!

Then, he turned two!

And, now, he is three!

When he woke up this morning, we told him that today was his birthday. He told me "no, mama, my birthday on Tuesday". I had to tell him that today was Tuesday. We've had a great morning. We went to my doctor to check on the baby (everything is good), then we went to TJMaxx to kill some time where we found some super cool Superhero underwear - of course we had to buy them, and we finished it off with meeting Dad at Chuck E. Cheese for a special birthday lunch - just Banks, Mom & Dad. This afternoon we are making superhero cupcakes for his class tomorrow and chocolate-dipped banana popsicles for our own personal enjoyment.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Price to Pay for Peace?

Apparently it is very high! While I was in the kitchen, unbeknownst to me, Hughes and Banks were experimenting with my lipstick. Even though Banks does not look happy in the picture, he was thrilled beyond measure to show me his handi-work.

Lessons learned:
1. whenever the boys are quiet that means they are destroying something
2. never trust silence - I should know this by now!
3. make sure they know the difference between lipstick and chapstick
4. baby wipes work miracles
5. I need to change the shade of my lipstick

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Future Equestrians?

Most likely not but we did enjoy our time at the horse farm. We had playdate at the Stono River Riding Academy yesterday and the boys were thrilled. They've never been around horses except the ones we pass downtown. Each kid got to ride one of the ponies. Both of my boys rode Buckey who was 40 years old and super sweet. They also brushed him and gave him lots of pats.

Hughes, Miller, Conley, Banks, & me (Bigmama) meeting Bucky.

Collins in utero, Banks, Conley & Hughes

Hughes was not so sure about riding a horse when we were heading out there in the car. But once he saw his other friends riding then he decided that he wanted to give it a try. Do you think he loved it? Absolutely! This may be one of the best pictures of him smiling I have!

Banks was the big-talker and then got a little hesitant once on the horse. I held his hand while he was on Bucky. He loved it, too.

Yesterday was great. They came home filthy and were put straight into the tub. They were the only boys there in khakis - I just may have to buy these boys some jeans! (doubtful though - khakis work just time)

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers