Monday, September 9, 2013

First Day of Preschool for Collins

Last child to start preschool!  I'm not sure whether to cry or smile.

Collins started Aldersgate Day School in the Pre-3's Class today.  He will go three mornings a week and his teachers are Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Allen.  He was very excited this morning about his backpack and going to play with his new friends.

Collins barely gave me a wave over the shoulder before jumping right in and playing with the trucks.  I had no doubt this is how it would go down.  Homeboy knows I'm going to come back for him and he loves to play.

Shot on the steps before we leave and a big brother shot.
All three in school - 2nd, Preschool, K5

This is the same outfit and backpack that Hughes and Banks also started preschool in.  They both started when they were 2 so bear that in mind when looking at the bottom pictures.

 Hughes (2)                                                       Banks (2)                             Collins (3)

Happy 6th Birthday, Banks!

Birthday season is upon us and it started off with a bang with Banks' 6th birthday!

We started the morning off right with a dozen Krispy Kreme.  I mean, what says Happy Birthday more than a dozen of these sweet, sugary delectables?

Banks was a huge fan.  (so were his brothers)

After this healthy breakfast, we got dressed and turned on GameDay.  Banks loves sports so he was all for it.  And, then it was time for a few presents.

Banks were super excited about his new Wii game.  This boy has an addiction and it's bad.

Excuse the sideways shot but this is his reaction to birthday cash.

After a few family presents, we (by we I mean I) continued to get ready for the big birthday party we were having the next day.  

It was a baseball party down at the park by our house.

Some of the team - Jackson, Henry, Abby and Eamon

Cam is ready to bat!

 Our superstar pitcher!

Brendan coming home

Jackson and Kate up to hit

Shaan, Barrett and Banks waiting to hit.

Birthday Boy ready to hit a homer!

Shaan and Thomas

Walker focusing

The Team
Charlie, Banks, Eamon, Abby, Cam, Kate, Shaan, Brendan, Barrett, Charlie, Thomas, Collins, Henry and Jackson

Now, it was time to hit some water balloons.  This ended in a water balloon fight with David taking one directly to the back.

Cupcake time!

Piñata time

Abby taking a swing

Samantha and Hughes getting in on the action

Candy free-for-all
They were like savages.

The party was a hit.  The birthday boy had a great time and loved his baseball party!  This mama is glad to have it behind her - 1 down, 2 to go.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

First Day of School 2013

Today is the start of the 2013-2014 school year.  Hughes is starting 2nd grade and Banks is starting kindergarten at Waynewood Elementary in Alexandria, Virginia.

Hughes' teacher is Mrs. Prather and I think we're going to really like her.  I've been told she is the teacher to have if you are a boy.  

Banks' teacher is Mrs. Whitton and has a grandmotherly vibe.  I think Banks is going to rock kindergarten.

Collins getting in the picture.  He starts school next week.

I hope you both have awesome years and prove to be great listeners to your teachers.  Make lots of new friends and soak in all the knowledge you can.  We are so very proud of you both and we know y'all will shine!

On the way!
Hughes was ready to leave me in the dust.  Once we got into the school building he took off.  I told him this was going to be the only day that I would walk him to his classroom.  I wanted to make sure he remembered how to get there because it is on the 2nd floor.  He seemed relieved once he realized that I wasn't going to walk him to his classroom everyday.  He is growing up too fast!

Seeing some friends outside - Jackson and Barrett.  Also 2nd and K5.

"Mom, that's enough".  I left soon after.  I can't believe Hughes is in 2nd grade.  That is the grade that I taught and I expected a lot from my students.  

Banks completing his ABC connect the dots paper.  He was a little unsure of himself but I think with time his confidence will come.

And then there was one.

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers