Monday, August 9, 2010

First Day of Preschool 2010

Hughes and Banks started back preschool today. Hughes was excited - Banks not so much. Banks kept telling me "I not goin' to school". To which I replied "yes, you are".

Check out the difference one year makes -
Above - 2010 First Day of School
Below -2009 First Day of School

Hughes is in the transitional kindergarten class this year. This class is for children with late birthdays that don't meet the cut-off for regular 5K but that will be 5 soon after. They will follow kindergarten curriculum so, in essence, it's like Hughes is going to have two years of kindergarten. I'm thrilled to have this as an option.

Hughes had no problem going into his new classroom this morning and meeting his teacher Miss Kate. She introduced herself and Hughes said, "I'm ugh olman" (those H's are tough to say). He quickly put his bookbag down and joined the rest of his friends on the carpet. I had to come back in the classroom about 10 minutes later to drop off his school supplies and he was playing Legos on the carpet which is his favorite activity at the moment. He saw me. I gave him a thumbs up and he gave me one right back. It is so great to see how confident he is! This year he will go 5 days/wk until 2pm everyday. Big change but when I picked him up from school this afternoon he told me that school was "awesome".

Hughes showing off his new bookbag.

Banks was a little more hesitant. He is in the 3's Class and his teachers are Miss Heather and Miss Kerry. He had a hard time letting go of my leg. He did immediately point out his name on the wall when asked by his teacher. "Banks, which one is your name" "B for Banks, that one". He knows his B's. Also, when the teacher asked him what color his folder was, Banks responded with "gween". So, I had to leave him crying but I know he got over it fast. He always does. When I picked him up at 11:45, he was happy as a lark and his teachers said he had a great day. Banks will go three days/wk.

I'm glad school is back in session because that means I'm one step closer to having Baby #3 join us. With this heat and this extra weight, I'm feeling kind of sluggish. So, I've started washing the blankets, ironing the day gowns, and getting the nursery ready.

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