For Hughes' birthday, BecBec and PopPop gave Hughes an aquarium membership. It has only taken me a little over a month to get down there and get it. Now, after visiting I know we will be back a lot. The boys had a blast and the good thing is we got the membership that allows us to always bring 2 guests! So, who wants to be my bestfriend now?
Hughes and Mr. Frog. Hughes is mirroring the frog's pose. This was his idea. Love it! Banks was scared of the gigantic frog and refused to go anywhere near him.
While we were waiting on Hudson to get there, we sat outside and watched this gigantic dredger work in the harbor. We had perfect seats and the boys loved it. If you look closely to the left of Hughes' head are the clamps coming up full of mud.
The boys and a penguin.
We had a really great time this morning. Thanks BecBec and PopPop for the awesome birthday gift. We can't wait to show you what you gave us!
On a side note, when we parked in the parking garage Hughes kept saying something over and over. I didn't know what he was saying until I finally understood - echo! He kept saying "echo" over and over while listening to the echo. Just one more thing I didn't know Hughes knew about. There is also a gigantic frog outside the aquarium on wheels. Hughes pointed it out and said "look mama, the frog is on a skateboard". I asked him if he wanted Santa to bring him a scooter to which he replied, "I hope so".
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