Monday, November 2, 2009

Downtown Disney

On Wednesday night, we headed over to Downtown Disney. We were prepared to wait for a while but we only had to wait 20 minutes to be seated. I guess that's the beauty of going in the off-season. TRex was amazing - I think Hughes thought he was in heaven. Banks, of course, fell asleep but soon woke up to push the food around his plate and stare at the dinosaurs. I can't even begin to describe all of the life-size dinosaurs we were surrounded by.

The outside sign

The TRex that greets you as you walk into the restaurant. His roar is quite terrorizing but the boys took it in stride.

William and Hughes on the dig-site (aka playground)

Family Photo in front of the TRex family. Banks kept calling them the mama and daddy dinosaur. Don't you like how neither one of my boys is looking - Family Shot #1 ruined!

Before and after TRex, we went over to the Lego store where Hughes and William built race car after race car. We raced them, rearranged the legos, raced them again. I overheard one parent talking about how their kids' race car was kicking every one else's A%S! Brownie Scout Honor! That's when I had to roll up my sleeves, push the boys out of the way, and call out my inner race car technician and show her son who the boss was! Just Kidding - but seriously, can you believe a parent was bragging at the Lego store! Sheesh, some people.

Hughes and Me

Hughes and William in deep concentration

Still Building

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