Sunday, November 29, 2009

Joy Ride

I turn around and this is what I see. My boys playing together but one of them dangerously close to getting the back of his head knocked so hard that it sends him into next week! Luckily, this joy ride only lasted two laps and then they were onto something else. Oh, the joys of boys!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Check Out My Bruiser!

Hughes Can Do What?

Today, I had Hughes' preschool conference. No, it wasn't because of bad behavior! They do parent conferences twice a year to give the parents an idea of what their child has been doing, what skills they are working on, etc. Now, mind you, this is 4-year old preschool so we're not talking about capital letters, multiplication tables, etc. We're talking about work habits, listening skills, speaking skills, fine motor skills, etc. I was very happy with the progress report and actually quite surprised. Miss Adele showed me some of Hughes' artwork and on it is Hughes' name printed. I assumed it was hand-over-hand (teacher hand over Hughes' hand) writing but Miss Adele told me that Hughes wrote it! He's never written his name for me! I've asked him! Why isn't he writing his name at home?!

I was shocked. Now, it was far from perfect but how come I didn't realize this? He never wants to write/color/draw at home. On the rare occasion that he does then it lasts for about 5 minutes. Miss Adele also told me about Hughes participating more and more in class (which makes me happy). He will not sing but he will answer questions about a story if asked. So, that's good. At least he's listening. She said that he sometimes has a difficult time letting a friend help him do a puzzle or build a building. I think that is because he is the oldest child here in the Holman household and, therefore, is use to not having to share (Banks doesn't do puzzles yet and he doesn't try to build on Hughes' buildings).

Things I did know about Hughes that Miss Adele confirmed:
  • Hughes likes to do puzzles;
  • Hughes likes to read;
  • Hughes likes to build with blocks; and
  • Hughes does not like to sing.
Two things that Hughes knows but refuses to share: counting and the alphabet. I know he knows these concepts because I've overheard him in the bathtub playing while singing the ABCs and counting. He will not do it on command. Like I said above, he does not like to sing. So, we're going to work on that. He needs to get use to demonstrating his knowledge to his teacher or he is going to be in the C reading group (and we all know that the A & B reading group is better).

Oh man, the stresses of being a parent. I mean, this is 4K we're talking about here! All in all, he's doing great. Social skills are blooming, work habits are being developed, and the confidence is being boosted! If 4K is this stressful on me, what am I going to do when we hit the big leagues? By big leagues, I mean 5K!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Picasso and The Cullens

My Little Artist

We ventured to the Children's Museum this morning and met up with some friends. While having our snacks outside, Banks decided to take the liberty to paint himself. So, my 2-year old looks like the Hulk. Notice the black eyes - he's a rough and tough looking kid! Oh, and of course, he fell backwards off the bench. I think if he gets one more bump or bruise, DSS is going to come visit me! This was taken in the back of the car before I stripped him down to get into his carseat (see DSS, I do use car seats).

On a totally different note, I was one of the nutjobs that went and saw New Moon at midnight last night. There was quite an array of people there (boys, too). It was awesome! However, I had these girls sitting behind me that it was obvious one of them had not read the books and she kept asking questions (I won't tell you so I don't ruin the story for anybody who has not read the series). Movie talkers get on my nerves! But I digress, the movie was fabulous and Edward was still beautiful but Jacob has got a bangin' body. Isn't he like 15? So maybe I shouldn't say that. Let's just say even with the body, Jacob couldn't sway me. I'm still Team Edward!

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Who knew that Blues' Clues, Mean Pterodactyl, and Batman were friends? Turns out, they're great friends!

Apparently, Banks Can't Fly!

Banks did not earn his wings last night. In fact, he failed miserably taking the lamp with him. I'm not really sure what happened but this is the order of events that I'm aware of:

1. Banks and Hughes go upstairs to play in Hughes' room.

- - - - - - around 20 minutes pass by - - - - - -

2. Banks comes down the steps with blood trickling down his nose - barely whimpering (no blood no tears is the motto of the Holman boys - I guess he couldn't see the blood!)

3. I wipe the small gash down and realize it is not very deep.

4. I ask him what happened. To which he responded with "head, booboo, nose, hurt"

5. I gave him some Tylenol.

6. I asked the other playdate Moms what they think - emergency service needed or can it wait until the morning? Decide to wait until the morning. I mean, he's not even crying and he's acting totally normal.

7. Hughes then comes downstairs. I ask him what happened. To which I get "Banks fall down, lamp broke, there was a big crash".

8. I go upstairs to take a look at the accident scene. It looks like Banks tried to stand on Hughes' bedside table and hold on to the lamp for balance purposes. Unfortunately, that didn't work and down came Banks with the lamp onto the train table. I'm not reallly sure what hit him on the bridge of the nose (wooden car, wooden train, train table, plastic toys, etc.)

We went to the pediatrician this morning to get Banks checked out. Everything looks good. Just a superficial cut on the bridge and a very bruised nose. The bruising is still contained to in between the eyes. I'm not sure if it's going to get any worse. Are we going to have two big black eyes or two small black eyes?

Lessons I learned and Things I need to do:
1. Burst both boys' dreams and tell them that they can't fly;
2. Remove the lamp from the bedside table;
3. Banks is a daredevil;
4. Banks is hard headed;
5. Banks can take a licking and keep on ticking;
6. Banks looks like a linebacker right now;
7. Doughnuts make everything better; and
8. Always take your Christmas pictures early! (thank goodness I already have the picture)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A Visit to the SC Aquarium

For Hughes' birthday, BecBec and PopPop gave Hughes an aquarium membership. It has only taken me a little over a month to get down there and get it. Now, after visiting I know we will be back a lot. The boys had a blast and the good thing is we got the membership that allows us to always bring 2 guests! So, who wants to be my bestfriend now?

Hughes and Mr. Frog. Hughes is mirroring the frog's pose. This was his idea. Love it! Banks was scared of the gigantic frog and refused to go anywhere near him.

Banks and Hughes saying "brothers". This was the only way I could get a half-way looking smile.

While we were waiting on Hudson to get there, we sat outside and watched this gigantic dredger work in the harbor. We had perfect seats and the boys loved it. If you look closely to the left of Hughes' head are the clamps coming up full of mud.

Another crane and mud shot. It was really cool especially for two little boys.

The boys - Banks couldn't get that you don't need to see over the glass just through it.

Just in case there is a flood, Banks was prepared.

Captain Banks and Captain Hughes on the lookout while Captain Hudson steers.

The boys and a penguin.

We had a really great time this morning. Thanks BecBec and PopPop for the awesome birthday gift. We can't wait to show you what you gave us!
On a side note, when we parked in the parking garage Hughes kept saying something over and over. I didn't know what he was saying until I finally understood - echo! He kept saying "echo" over and over while listening to the echo. Just one more thing I didn't know Hughes knew about. There is also a gigantic frog outside the aquarium on wheels. Hughes pointed it out and said "look mama, the frog is on a skateboard". I asked him if he wanted Santa to bring him a scooter to which he replied, "I hope so".

Who needs Robin . . .

when you have two Batmen? On a random Saturday night, this is how our boys entertained themselves for a good hour - running amongst themselves singing the Batman song and jumping around while David and I folded laundry. Notice Hughes' costume is WAY too small. I sure hope Santa reads this blog and brings a new Batman costume that will fit him and not give him a permanent wedgie! Also, Banks refuses to wear the hat correctly but instead insists to wear it over his face. Luckily, the fabric is really thin and he can see through it :)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

What's Going On?

Law School, Work, Preschool, Speech, Laundry, Playing, Cleaning - you know, the usual things.

Banks' speech continues to explode. It's amazing the conversation you can hold with him. He is also potty training. I am hesitant to say this because I'm still in shock. I guess it has to do with having a big brother and seeing him use the potty. He's been wearing underwear for a week now with the exception of when he sleeps. It sure has been nice not having to change diapers!

Hughes is a puzzle maniac! He has a great spatial sense and can complete a puzzle (48pc. in no time). So, now we're on the look out for more 50pc. puzzles and an occasional 100 piece. I have one 100pc. pirate puzzle that will be arriving on the 25th of next month in a red sleigh led by reindeer. He's also really into his legos right now - the small ones! Of course, the rule is you can only play with them at the table but, of course, I find them all over the den rug and those things hurt your feet when you step on them barefoot! I'm always finding them so I guess my rule is not working or at least not being followed. As for speech, Hughes continues to make great strides. We go 3 mornings/week. He loves his speech teacher and I do, too. We're working on the back of the throat sounds still.

On a funny note, yesterday while picking up toys from the den floor I was on my hands and knees and Hughes jumped on my back. I thought he was just playing but then he started oinking. I really didn't know what he was doing. Then, he said "piggy back ride, oink oink, piggy back ride". How Funny! Of course, then Banks jumped on and started oinking as well. I'm just glad it was not a "big butt" joke with the oinking!

I'm so excited for the holidays coming up. I need to do another big "toy weed out" and trip to Goodwill. I keep finding great gift ideas for the boys. I am trying to control myself and for the most part I'm doing a pretty good job. But the temptation is so great - what would Dave Ramsey say?

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

It Truly Was a Magical Place

Our Disney vacation was full of action, amazement, sugar, and new feats.
  • 1st time we took a real family vacation by ourselves without the grandparents
  • 1st time at Disney for Banks (2nd time for Hughes)
  • 1st time seeing gigantic dinosaurs roaring so loudly you could feel it in your bones
  • 1st time seeing the characters up close and personal and then screaming in their faces
  • 1st time that we had a completely pleasant 6 hour drive back (thanks dvd player)
  • 1st time Banks pooped on the potty

WHAT! I'm telling you Disney is magical. It worked its magic on Banks and gave him the urge. The boy just turned 2 for goodness sake! I had been warned by my friend Rebecca that this could happen (it happened to her little boy), I just wasn't expecting Banks to succumb to the spell. I guess Disney's magic is pretty powerful stuff!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween in Disney

Our group decided that after a full day at the park, we opted out of Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween party. We let the boys dress up in their costumes and we got some surprises to give them - parachute ghosts, pumpkin bubbles, dinosaur tattoos, jack-o-lantern light up necklaces, etc. We took them outside and let them dance around with their light up necklaces on doing parachute ghosts and pumpkin bubbles. They were thrilled. I don't think my boys missed the candy at all (or even remembered that they get candy on Halloween).

Hughes the Pterodactyl, William the Bakugan man, Hayden as Handy manny, and Banks the TRex

Hughes and William acting silly

Of course, the TRex doesn't want his picture taken - ahhhhh!

Check out the wing span on that creature!

The boys loved their costumes. In fact, today I had two dinosaurs sitting on my couch watching cartoons. Did you know dinosaurs like fruit snacks? That's what the Pterodactyl told me and the TRex was happy to go along with it. For someone who has never enjoyed dressing up on Halloween, Hughes surely loves his costume! Who said dinosaurs are extinct?

Animal Kingdom

Our last day, we went to Animal Kingdom and started the day off with a nutritious breakfast with Donald Duck & Friends. Well, it could have been nutritious with eggs, fruit, and orange juice but the boys opted for the Mickey waffles covered in syrup, chocolate covered glazed doughnuts, and chocolate milk.

Family Photo #4 ruined - LOOK AT THE CAMERA!

Family Photo #5 ruined - thanks Hughes for the head shot!

And then there is the Berglinds and their perfect family picture! Ugh!

Daisy trying her best to get some attention.

Hughes looking up Goofy's nose.

Banks terrified. Need I say more?

Family Photo #6 - ruined LOOK AT THE #@$@# CAMERA!

Hughes shaking his tambourine during the Donald Duck parade. Hughes stayed in his seat but did participate. Banks got up and joined the parade.

Family Photo #7 - ruined Why do I even try?

Giraffe - I love the animal safari

Hughes relaxing with his two new bestfriends in DinoLand at the dinosaur playground.

The boys checking out the jeep.

Banks and his new bestfriend, T-Rex, on the playground.

David, Banks and a dinosaur skeleton

This was the walking safari - the boys loved those fish (David included!)

This is how Banks spent a few hours every afternoon at the parks - totally wiped out!

Hippo swimming - very cool!

Silver Back - really cool! Of course, Hughes was just looking for the alligators. The guide tried to talk to him about the gorilla but Hughes asked him where the alligators were.

Hollywood Studios

Hollywood Studios was the park we chose to go to on Friday. Immediately, we saw Minnie Mouse. Banks was talking a big game in the line waiting for his chance to see Minnie. He was telling David that he was going to give Minnie a kiss but when the time came he froze! Oh well, we got a picture! This day was more about shows than rides. We saw The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, and Little Einsteins. We missed the Toy Story ride because we didn't get our fast passes in time. They were out by noon and the wait was 60 minutes. By far, the longest wait we ever encountered during our adventure. We opted out.

Two hot dudes in their private shuttle powered by Mom and Dad

Pat, Pat, Pat, Pat, Blast Off!
Leo and Annie from Little Einsteins pose with us - Banks looks sad but he was very excited to see his favorite characters. He really wanted to see Rocket but we settled with the characters.

Snack break with Lighting McQueen suckers- we had many of these. This one was while the dads could ride Aerosmith's Rockin' Rollercoaster - my favorite roller coaster of all time! Don't worry, the moms got to ride it, too!

Honey, I Shrunk the Kids playground - the boys ran and ran and climbed and climbed.

After the playground break, we went to see the racecar stunt show. It was really cool and both the boys loved it. It was really loud but worth the four flights of stairs I had to climb while holding Banks - my quads are still burning!

Lightning McQueen in the flesh!

Oh yeah, Mater, too!

We left Hollywood Studios with a remote-control Buzz Lightyear space command car, a little Buzz Lightyear, Buzz Lightyear Christmas ornaments, and some stocking surprises!

Magic Kingdom

On Thursday, we went to the Magic Kingdom. David and I were very excited to show the boys Disney - it was like Christmas morning as a child again! I think they were more in shock than excited when we went in. The people, the characters, the loud music - it was a lot to take in! much.

The Tram ride to Magic Kingdom - Oh, did I mention that the temperature was in the high eighties/low nineties! It's the end of October, Mother Nature, Get with the season!

Family Shot #2 - ruined
Anyone have any tips on how to get children to look at the camera and smile?

Buzz Lightyear was our first and second ride - we had to do it twice because the boys liked it and because David beat me in my laser score so I had to have another chance to beat him. I didn't :(

David and Banks fighting the evil Emperor Zerg

Hughes and I leading the star troops into battle.

Family Photo #3 - Hughes terrified and screaming at Buzz Lightyear, Banks in shock. Hey, at least we came away with his signature!

David and Hughes riding Dumbo

Banks and I on the carousel. Hughes refused to ride. From what I can remember about our last Disney trip, Hughes didn't like the carousel then either. Maybe, he has something with rotating horses with big metal poles through the abdomens? Just a thought.

Swiss Family Robinson Treehouse - Hayden, Will, Banks and David

Mickey's PhilharMagic 3D - surprisingly, the boys did pretty well during this show

The Berglinds on the Magic Carpet ride (think Dumbo ride and you know how it goes)

Look at that cute mouskateer! Banks loved his hat. Hughes refused to wear his. Story of my life - one boy loves something, the other hates it!

We rode everything we wanted and were able to sneak in a few adult roller coasters. The waits were never longer than 20 minutes and we used those times for snack and juice breaks.

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers