Friday, January 16, 2009

What's for lunch?

Okay, if you can get over the flashing lights and loud noises, Chuck E. Cheese is not a bad place to take the kids for lunch.  Of course, the day we picked was not the best:  teacher workday which equals lots of kids and after-school programs bringing the kids for lunch.  If you have a coupon (which you can get off the internet), $24.95 gets you a large pizza, four drinks, and 50 tokens.  Well, for two adults and three kids it is perfect.  The boys had a blast.   Banks rode with Chuck E. about 5 times and rode the carousel about the same.  He definitely had his favorite.  Hughes was into watching the older kids play the games and eventually played some himself.  Conley won us 17 tickets that we got to turn in for 2 dumdums.  That's right, I said 17.  You get one ticket just for playing a game.  We did a lot of ride-on toys!

Banks found this slide that was just his size.  He could climb up the wide stairs and slide down all by himself.  And to top it off, it was right near our booth!
Hughes on an important business call with Chuck E.
Conley is deep thought while on the carousel.
Banks' favorite ride - yee haw, ride'em cowboy!

I did want to break out in "teacher mode" a couple of times.  The older kids were wild:  standing on the stage with the motorized characters, climbing on the games that shouldn't be climbed on, yelling or should I say screaming.  One kid had three bags of cotton candy!  The after-school workers were basically just warm bodies.  No one was monitoring.

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