Today, BecBec and I took the boys to The Center for Birds of Prey. It was amazing! I would highly recommend visiting this place. We got there right in time for one of the flying demonstrations - a hawk, falcon and owl all showed their flying and hunting skills. It was so cool to see these birds up close and in action. Hughes slept through the demonstration but soon woke to check out the bald eagle and others. Banks just pointed and said his infamous "hot" - not really sure he means hot but he says it all the time for everything.
Everyone had a great time - if you haven't been, you need to go. We finished up our visit with lunch at the Sewee Restaurant.
very brave after the zoo incident!
Wow! You guys really used your pass this month! We did not do nearly as well. We'll have to step it up a bit next year :)
This looks like fun. Where is it located?
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