Thursday, June 30, 2011

Landfill, you say?

This is what my back porch looks like right now.
No, it isn't a landfill.
No, we're not disgusting people who just pile their trash.
No, there haven't been any squatters living on our porch either.

This is Hughes' city complete with an airport, a bridge, skyscrapers, roads, houses, etc. Hughes started on this project about 3 days ago. He was so focused that I let him do it. He has also spent many quiet afternoons out on the porch working on his city. He had a little help from Banks and his friend Conley but for the most part, he created this masterpiece using our items from the recycling bin and duct tape.

Here he is in his favorite pajamas, Scooby Doo (thanks Dawa), while being the air traffic controller for the jets coming in.

So, here you have it. Hughes' 100% recycled city.

Mother of the Year Award

Don't worry folks - I've got this award in the bag. Yesterday while changing Collins' pants on his changing table, the little turkey did a twist that landed him on his elbows. Well, with one hand he grabbed the base of a little lamp and with the other, well, the other he grabbed the top of the light bulb.

He screamed. I screamed. He cried. I cried.

We went to the pediatrician where she told me has a 2nd degree superficial burn. He has one big blister and two smaller ones. The pediatrician was astounded at how well he was acting. Even in the dr.'s office, he was completely fine. Of course, I felt terrible.

The picture doesn't do it justice and it's more swollen today. Interestingly, it doesn't seem to bother him. He uses his hand just fine, he grabs toys with it, he pulls my hair with it, etc.

Soooo, I've now moved the lamp to the end of the changing table by his feet. It hurts just to look at his hand.

Clearly, I've got this award in the bag.

More Pawley's

Picture right before we left. Hughes is not happy about having his picture made - go figure!
Hughes (5), Banks (3), Kate (4), Dawa, Collins (8months), Charlotte (1)

Riding the waves

Hughes kept calling Kate his girlfriend all week and when we would correct him and tell him that she was his cousin he would reply "but she loves me".

We got Banks a boogie board this year. He was a champ on it and so excited to have a big one like Hughes.

Riding the Waves

Check out the sea monster boogie board

Collins just chillin'

Kate joining in the fun

Gigi (90) and Collins (8 months)

I buried Collins one afternoon. He loved it - can't you tell? He looks like he has man boobs in this picture.

I had just finished lubing him up with sunscreen and decided to put his hair in a mohawk. I guess he was feeling pretty cool because he immediately gave me this "tongue out" look.

At the Hammock Shops finishing up some ice cream.
The transformer shirts the boys have on were a weak moment of mine at WalMart. They love them but they are pretty hideous.

Kayak ride with G-Daddy. Hughes said it was too scary to do. I think we traumatized him when he was 1 when David took him out on the kayak. He's never been fond of them since.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Here's a hodge podge of pictures from Pawley's.

G-daddy working on The Fort.

Uncle Andrew working, too.

Aunt Deyna reading - this will be me next year! I didn't even bother bringing a book this year because I knew my hands would be full.

Happy Baby

Working on The Fort

Part of The Fort

Picture taken by Hughes - maybe I can start being in pictures now that my 5-year old knows how to use my camera.

Banks destroying a sand castle village.

Hughes and Kate

Mom & Collins

Working on a sand castle village

Charlotte eating cookies. Collins playing with the bag.

Got the bag!

Dad and Hughes playing with the raft.

Mom & Collins

Dad & Collins

Hughes being the best big brother and pulling Banks on the raft.

Trying to ride the waves.

Dawa and Collins

The Boys Banks (3), Collins (8 months), & Hughes (5)

Holman Beach Week 2011

We spent last week at Pawley's Island. It was great. The boys got to play with their cousins, the adults got to have adult beverages and conversations on the beach, and the weather was awesome (a little windy some days but for the most part awesome). We were missing Uncle Bo this year and David had to leave on Monday night so we were a little light on the family side but for the most part there were still 6 adults and 5 children. The children slept great. Collins thought he was suppose to get up at about 5:50 every morning. That part wasn't so great.

Banks and Kate before our first beach morning.

G-daddy blowing up the raft. Many a waves would be ridden on using that raft.

We finally made it to the beach and this little fellow decided to crawl up my bag. I think he was the Pawley's Island welcoming committee. Hughes loved it. Banks freaked out.

Ready to fly some kites and have some fun. Hughes is sporting his shark tooth necklace and Banks is holding his Batman kite.

Dad getting the kites up into the air.

Happy Baby - Collins loved it!

Squeaky clean after a sandy beach day.

Charlotte helping me feed Collins. She was a big helper and totally mesmerized by Collins.

Kickin' It at Bohicket

For our anniversary, we had other plans. But, as most of you know, sometimes your plans get changed. We had planned on going out to a nice dinner downtown but then changed out minds and just wanted to sit by the water somewhere and have some drinks so we chose Red's at Bohicket Marina. Well, then we found out that every Tuesday in June Bohicket Marina has a kid fest with jump castles, face painting, bocce ball, etc. and it's all FREE. So, we were faced with either changing our dinner plans once again or taking the boys with us for some family time. We chose the family time.

Hughes the pirate - the first time they've had their entire faces painted. I thought it was going to be a struggle during bath time that night but they didn't seem to mind. They were happy with the pictures being evidence.

Spiderman Banks

Collins - well, he's not quite old enough for face painting yet

We met the Steeds out there and the boys had a blast. The Pirates!

Family Shot - Happy 8th Anniversary!

It was a perfect night. The kids had a blast. The festivities were free. We ate outside where the boys could run and play and not have us telling them to sit/quiet down every 2 minutes had we been inside. I couldn't have chosen a more wonderful way to spend our anniversary than surrounded by my boys.

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers