Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Let me introduce you to Collins!

William Collins Holman officially joined our family yesterday. The c-section was uneventful and everything went smoothly. We had to be at the hospital at 6am for the 8am surgery. I was giddy with excitement over meeting our sweet baby.

Collins proved to belong to our family upon his first weight check. At 8 pounds 15 ounces, he fits right in with our "big baby" trend. He is 21 inches long and David thinks he has my skin coloring. He's been a great nurser and sleeper.

I'm relaxing at the hospital while the boys are in school and David is doing errands. With this being our 3rd, it's like the hospital is an all-inclusive resort except without the fun, fruity drinks. I've got a comfy bed (sorry David about the sleeper chair), food being brought to me, a tv, a computer, and a lot of quiet time. Oh yeah, hospital life isn't too bad!

Collins supporting his two favorite college teams.

Me and Collins - excuse the drugged look in my eyes. The morphine was going strong.

Hughes giving Collins a "welcome" kiss. Sorry about the sideways picture.

First Family Photo with all 5 - excuse my chins, I thought I had one but obviously a few more popped up!

Dad, Collins & Mom
David is not a priest but he is a godsend. He's the best daddy in the world!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

congratulations! What a beautiful boy--and you look great, too. Hope you're feeling well.

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