Well, the Pumpkin Patch started off on a bad foot. IT WAS FREEZING! People who know me well, know I don't do FREEZING! Unfortunately, I believe this is a trait that I passed along to my boys. Hughes refuses to wear a hat - I had to force the pullover on him. Banks just wasn't sure why the heck we were out in the cold weather. So, needless to say, it was a rough start.

Banks can barely see with this hat on. Oh well, at least his head was warm.

Hughes still trying to get into the pumpkin swing. We were still not at our best yet.

We're waking up! The sun came out and, at least, took the freezing chill out of the air. Here are the boys wondering through the big pumpkins.

Banks still not sure why we're out in the cold weather and standing next to the huge orange balls.

Hughes, William and Conley having a (orange) ball.

After picking out our prize winning pumpkin, it was time for us to hit the hayride. Huge Success! The tractor pulls the wagon out into the middle of a pasture where all of these cows are grazing. Cool, right? Cows upclose. Then, the teachers start handing out snacks for the cows. Cool, right? Not until your son hands his cow snacks to you and expects you to feed the cows with their slimy, slobbery, monstrous tongues! Talk about disgusting! And if once wasn't enough, Hughes kept going back and getting more cow snacks because he loved it so much. When we rode off, the cows started mooing. Banks loved this!

This is Hughes' orange arm. He's really close to the cow but don't be fooled. I have the DNA from the cow still on my hands!

Checking out some other farm animals.

After seeing all the animals, we headed to the playground. Hughes played with lots of different things but Banks had his eye on one toy only. He sat in this car for about 45 minutes. He loved it. I'm thinking HoHo may have to put this on his list. In fact, when I took him out (only b/c it was time to go) he threw a tantrum. I've never seen him throw a tantrum so I know he really liked the car.

We had a great time. I think next year I'll suggest that the school take this field trip earlier in October. It was just too cold!
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