This past week the boys and I headed to Cashiers, NC with BecBec and PopPop. With a husband doing double duty with law school and work, I decided the boys and I would crash Mom and Dad's vacation. It was the perfect time to go - the leaves were gorgeous! We went on several small hikes - carrying a one-year old or pushing a stroller up a mtn. was not my idea of fun so we made sure that the hikes were short. The waterfalls were incredible. Hughes really liked watching them. During the day, we explored our surroundings and shopped. At night, we had family time. Both boys got nasty colds while we were there. It was a fabulous trip. On the way home on Friday, we sent Hughes with Dad in one car and Mom, Banks and myself stopped by Gaffney to hit the Pottery Barn Outlet. What a way to end a trip!
I was a nervous wreck with Hughes walking around at the viewing area. That danger sign says that 45 people have died there. I didn't want to make it 46!

This waterfall, we could get down to the bottom. Hughes enjoyed picking up leaves and throwing them into the stream. We hopped on rocks, threw leaves and enjoyed watching the waterfall.

Giant piece of art in downtown Cashiers. They have the best playground right next to this piece. We visited the playground several times.
This waterfall you can drive your car underneath it!
Check out the slide static! Banks loved this slide with help of course.
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