Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Hughes' Reptile Birthday Party

On Saturday, we had Hughes' reptile birthday party.  About a month ago, Hughes told us he wanted a deer head and a globe for his birthday presents.  David and I could not figure out why he wanted a deer head and we kind of forgot about it.  But Saturday morning started with a bang.  Mom brought up a present from Aunt Trina and Kentos and Hughes went crazy. 

Before any presents - just excited!

 Seeing the antlers for the first time.

Loving them!

 And, then we gave him ours.

His day could have been done then as far as presents go.  He had hit the jackpot with every thing he had asked for but we still had the Reptile Man coming!

BecBec did another fabulous cake!


BecBec and Hughes

Mom and Hughes

                         All the guests listening.                                             Tony from Reptiles Alive!

Showing a snake skin.

Hughes got to help pass around all of the animals while his friends got to touch the animals.  I can't say enough about how special Tony made Hughes feel.  Hughes was in heaven and loved all of the skinks, toads, turtles and snakes.

Hugging MaeMae after getting some $$ from her.  Hughes loved all of his presents and was genuinely so excited for every gift he received.  I'm not sure what I did to deserve such a sweet boy but God surely blessed me with one sweet 7-year old!

Collins eating somebody's leftover cake.  He's not ashamed.

Happy Birthday, Hughes!  We love you to the moon and back!

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