Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Happy 7th Birthday, Hughes!

Gourmet birthday breakfast of Toaster Strudel - I aim to please!

Praying or wishing?

Seven years ago today, Hughes, you rocked my world.  I had no idea what unconditional love felt like until I held you and knew I had just become a Mama Bear.  You are so kind and tender-hearted with Collins.  You are a great friend to Banks.  You are a wonderful son to me and Dad.  You love to draw. You love Legos.  You love animals.  I can't wait to see where this world takes you and what you do with it.  

I pray that you are always a great friend, that you are always the nice guy, that you are always honest, that you are always generous and kind, that you are always creative, and that you are always the best brother Banks and Collins could ask for.  We all love you and are proud of you!

The reptile birthday party is this weekend so we'll have more pictures coming soon full of snakes, lizards and turtles.  Oh, did I mention that they will all be in my playroom?  I must really love my son to have my house invaded by reptiles.  Thankfully, it's only for the afternoon.

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