Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Cox Farms 2012 - Pumpkin Patch

Since Waynewood lets out early every Monday, we decided to take advantage of our afternoon and head to Cox Farms with friends.  I had no idea what to expect.  It has more giant slides that I ever imagined and the boys had a ball.  I think it has taken them two days to recover.

Collins, Samantha, Cam, Banks, Hughes, Avery and Walker
Samantha, Hughes and Avery are all 1st graders at WW and Cam, Banks and Walker will all be kindergartners next year at WW

 Enjoying the tarzan swing.

 First big slide we went on.  You can see Avery at the top waiting with me and Collins.

 Collins loved it and we went again and again.  I did send him down one time which was a disaster and we won't mention again for fear of DSS being called.

 Hughes and Avery zooming down.

Next, we did the corn maze which had a haunted trailer built into it.  These pictures crack me up.

 I guess Banks was the bravest since he was in first.

After the maze, we hit the hay ride.  Everyone loved it and the adults enjoyed sitting.

 Brooks and Erika
Thank goodness I moved near these ladies.  They have made our transition to DC so much easier and have been great friends.  

 A little exploring on the blue tractor.

Next, it was time for the giant slide.  Hughes and Banks are at the top ready to go.  Banks is in red and Hughes is in blue.  They did this slide about 5 times at least.

And, although Collins looks concerned he loved it.  

We closed down the place and then headed home with lots of tired children.  


I was invited to our neighborhood's Bunco party which had a Halloween theme.  I choose to be a pirate.  Hughes said that I looked funny "with that curly hair".  I had to tell him that it was my hair and that he just had never seen it curled before.  Guess I need to fix myself up more often?  Should I be concerned that he didn't think the facial hair looked funny on me?

Oh, and this is Hughes' favorite new pose.  Thumbs Up!

Banks & Soccer

We have Banks' last soccer game this weekend.  Here are some pictures I took this past weekend.  His coach commented on how fast he was and what a great defender he was.  He likes to score goals but he does a great job playing defense.

Trying to get a team photo was impossible with these monkeys.

Quick Update

1.  Some little person in our house bought Madagascar 3 twice on our Video On Demand through our cable.  DOH!  $20 a pop and we own the damn dvd so now we have $60 invested in the movie.  We have since put on a parental lock to prevent future purchases.

2.  We got a Welcome letter from the DC DMV with a nice speeding ticket for $125.  Not very welcoming if you ask me but at least David was driving.  Unfortunately, I went into DC last weekend so I"m afraid we've got another one coming our way.  Damn cameras!

3.  I caught Samantha giving Hughes a kiss on the cheek at the pumpkin patch.  Do I have a ladies man on my hands?

4.  Hughes was sleep walking the other night and totally pulled a frat boy and teeteed right beside the toilet on the tile floor.  I told him about it the next day and he laughed.  Funny how I wasn't laughing when I was cleaning it up.

5.  Collins is addicted to fruit snacks and demands them at least twice a day.  He also has a addiction to Mickey Mouse.

6.  Banks may be the next Flash.  He is quick and I love it.  I already envision the track meets.

7.  The leaves up here are unbelievable and gorgeous.  I'm hoping to get some pictures this weekend.

8.  I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving and eating barbeque until I'm blue in the face.

9.  I think it's time I ask for a KitchenAid mixer for Christmas - take note Mom, David, anybody!

That's all I can think of right now.   We've got the school Halloween carnival coming up on Friday, BAR announcements for SC, and Banks' last soccer game for the season.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Mount Vernon

On Sunday, we hit Mount Vernon.  It was a gorgeous day and the weather was perfect.  David was able to join us on this trip.

Admiring the sheep from afar.

 Photo op with George and Martha and Martha's children.

Mount Vernon 
We did the house tour but you aren't allowed to take pictures inside.  It was a great little tour and to realize that you are actually standing beside the bedroom where George Washington slept is crazy.

The view from the porch.  I bet they spent a lot of time on the porch.

BecBec with her boys.

MaeMae and Hudson

Just relaxing on the front lawn.

 Finding a hiding spot.  Banks was asleep at this point in the stroller.

Collins was not afraid nor was the sheep.

The tomb of George and Martha Washington.  During the Capitol tour we learned that the original plan was to entomb George Washington at the Capitol but he died before it could be ready so he was buried at Mount Vernon instead.  According to Mount Vernon, George stipulated in his will that he wanted to be buried at Mount Vernon and even drew what the tomb should look like and what materials should be used.  Very interesting.

We had to cut our visit short because David needed to get back and do some work.  I look forward to going back and doing more.  It was really interesting and definitely worth the visit.  Once again, the boys enjoyed playing in the grass and bushes.  Oh, and the ice cream afterwards that I bribed them with!

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