Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Wimberly Dinner

Every year around Christmas time we have the Wimberly Dinner. The dinner was started by the four Wimberly brothers who wanted to get all of their families together - one who happened to be my grandfather, Ken Wimberly. Well, time has passed and the family has grown tremendously. Interestingly, of the four Wimberly brothers, children, grandchildren and now great-grandchildren there is only one boy to carry on the family name.

BecBec and PopPop's grandchildren

Banks and Lucius

Eliza Frezil & Edward Wimberly & Amanda McNulty
We were missing Lil and Conrad.

Wimberly, MaeMae, Al, Rick, Rebecca, Adelaide, Elizabeth, Tony, Christian, Amelia, Hudson & Jacob - MaeMae's entire family

The Wimberlys from Sumter
Gary, Wilkes, Heathie, Wimberly, Scott, Boo, MiMi, Greir, Sister & Uncle Bob
We were missing Robbie, Collins & Cassidy.

Aunt Carolyn & Uncle Marvin's family
Mullin, Wimberly, Aunt Carolyn, Uncle Marvin, Wallace, Lee, Catharine, Mary Wallace & Wilds
We were missing Anna and Michael.

Collins was wonderful and cuddled on everybody. I think every person might have held him throughout the night but his PopPop can always get him to go to sleep.

BecBec & PopPop's family
David, me, Michele, Bill, Kent, Trina, Banks, Hughes, Lucius, Emma, Anna Banks, Bryce, PopPop, BecBec, and Collins

It was a quick trip to Sumter but always great to see everyone.

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