Saturday, December 31, 2011

Christmas Morning

I'm pretty sure Santa brought the boys their fill. They each got email videos sent to them by Santa that said they were on the good list so they were pretty stoked about Christmas morning.

Hughes' loot. The favorites were the geodes and the robot dinosaur. He asked for a pterodactyl but had to settle for a robot t-rex.

Banks' side. His favorites were the scooter and bey blade arena.

Collins' chair. He loves the phone.

Dad taking video before the boys broke through the paper.

Sitting on the steps waiting to get permission to break through.

The boys breaking through to see what Santa left.

Cars 2 school pack.

Checking out his red scooter.


Christmas morning ended nice and relaxing with BecBec and PopPop coming for lunch and bringing more gifts. We relaxed all afternoon while the boys played with everything.

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