Saturday, October 10, 2009

Birthday Campout

Last night, we had 7 little boys and their dads camp out in our backyard for Hughes and Conley's birthday. But before the actual campout, we had a hot dog dinner for lots more of our friends and family.

We had small tents, big tents, little sleeping bags and big ones, glowing lanterns, hot smores, roasted marshmallows, juice boxes galore, movie outside in the dark, trail mix, and lots of giggling. Fortunately, it did not rain. Unfortunately, it was 90 degrees so it was very hot in the tents (sorry dads!).

Hughes and Miller camping out under the table with their lanterns. I think Love Is In The Air!

Again, Miller and Hughes having a little date.

Random shot - however, the only picture of me with the birthday boy.

Conley and Hughes blowing out their birthday candles.

The Campout Cake

Banks showing us how real men eat cupcakes!

Conley and Barron watching the movie.

Wyatt focused on Cars.

When all others had left the movie and were roasting marshmallows, Hughes remained true to form - he preferred to stay and watch the movie!

Campfire Time!

We finished off the campout with pancakes this morning. All campers were gone by 8:30. It was a great birthday party!

1 comment:

Wes & MM said...

Super fun!! Happy Birthday to Hughes and Conley!!

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