Thursday, May 23, 2013

Fort Hunt Baseball League

What you may ask have we been doing?  Well, the answer is baseball.  Practices for machine pitch(Hughes) and tee-ball(Banks) and then games also.  Thankfully they squeeze all this in during the week so it does allow for free weekends which I enjoy.  

Hughes is on the Cubs and it is his first year of machine pitch.  He does pretty well but his favorite part of the games is the snacks afterwards.  (Same goes for Banks)   Banks is on the Angels and is doing tee-ball.  He loves it.

Before games with Flat Stanley.  Miller (friend from Charleston) sent us her Flat Stanley to show around DC.  The boys loved having Stanley visit and we took him to the Lincoln Memorial, Washington Monument, baseball games, bike rides and even to eat mexican on Cinco de Mayo.

 Our left-handed hitter.  He catches right, throws right but hits left.

Banks and Charlie

After a game lining up to give high-fives.  Banks thinks his team won but every kid every inning makes it around the bases.

Charlie ready for snacks.

Hughes up at bat.

And, he hits it.

First base coach giving him a high-five.  I can't say I love his coach but I do really like the assistant coaches.

Celebrating on 2nd.

3rd base coach giving him props.  

Playing catcher

Action shot of the ball going passed him.  Oh, and his arm tucked in the chest pad.

The season is winding down and I'm looking forward to the summer sports: swimming, beaching, and traveling.

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