Here are a bunch of random pics from February.
Collins trying to figure out which superhero he's going to identify with.
Hughes' cub scout troop walked in the George Washington Day parade in Old Town. Of course, it was a freezing day but he enjoyed being the big shot handing out the candy.
Collins with the warmest seat on the block.
Banks and Barrett ready for some candy.
Ol' Honest Abe was there to celebrate.
Here's Ol' George and Martha
Here comes Pack 1504
Hughes being a great big brother and giving candy to his brothers.
I've been in the middle of a very long hunt for new bedding for the big boys.
I finally found some in Pottery Barn Kids that I love. The boys' room is looking great. Now, to tackle some blank walls and the playroom which is in constant disarray.
Hughes' had Wacky Day at school this past week.
Here we have baseball pants & socks, fleece and crazy hair.
And, last but not least, Hughes has his first adult tooth.
No, he hasn't lost any baby teeth. This tooth decided to come in behind his baby tooth. We were given a heads up about this from the pediatric dentist in Charleston. It wasn't until last week when i was putting him to bed and questioning him on whether he brushed his teeth or not. He opened up his mouth for me to examine it and, BAM, he had a tooth. He was/is so proud of it. He showed his teacher the next day and she said "that's a beauty". We go back to the dentist in the spring so it will be interesting to hear what she suggests. Hughes is not scared about the teeth pulling. He's focused on the money or cash as he calls it.
BecBec and MaeMae are back from China. I think they had a great time minus their "smuggling-a-bullet-into-China-and-then-getting-detained-for-30-minutes" experience. Lesson learned: Never borrow a bag from your husband who use to hunt 20 years ago. You never know what could be lodged into the lining. The crazy thing is that this specific bag made it through security at three different airports in the US and it had previously taken a trip to Russia with Al and Elizabeth, too.
I guess BecBec and MaeMae can take the occupation of smuggler off their resume now.
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