Friday, March 22, 2013

It's Your Dad's Birthday!

Dear Boys,

      Today is Dad's birthday.  I hope when you are a father that you are just like him.  I thought I would list 36 (in honor of his age) things you should know and remember about your dad.

1.  He's really smart and has a crazy amount of self-discipline when it comes to studying hence the Ph.D. and J.D.
2.  He makes the best car crash noises and sound effects while playing with y'all.
3.  He makes up songs and sings them to y'all on request.  Even if it is has been 6 months since he first made it up, he always remembers the song.
4.  He can look up anything on YouTube and learn how to fix it.  He's done it with his car window and our washing machine.
5.  He's crazy patient with y'all.
6.  He always treats your mama with respect and love.
7.  He loves his Clemson Tigers and graduated from there in 1999 with a B.S. in microbiology.
8.  His first car was a Bronco.
9.  He had long hair in high school.  Believe it.
10. He works extremely hard.  Like crazy hard for us.
11. He loves DC.
12. He never wore braces and has excellent dental hygiene.  Flosses every day.
13. He's pretty good at Super Mario Brothers and Batman Lego due to the ridiculous amount of practice he's had playing with Banks.
14. He's impressed with Hughes' drawing ability.
15. He never complains about anything I cook whether it be burnt, too salty or just yuck.
16. I met your dad when we were both waiters at Hyman's Seafood in Charleston, SC.
17.  I've convinced him to retire to Charleston.  (hold him to it, boys)
18. He wore his first bow tie when he defended his thesis(2005) and never went back.  Bow ties always.
19. He is plays the guitar and trumpet albeit it's been a long time since the trumpet.
20. He is much more patient with reading books and night time routines than your mom.  Y'all can get him to read 5 books and then still want to talk or make up stories.  I
21.  He loves G.I.Joe and Transformers as much as y'all do.
22. He was born in California but grew up in York, SC.
23. Y'all get your blues eyes and dimples from him.
24. He loves that Banks is into football.
25. He wants to go on an African safari one day.
26. He loves fish and had an aquarium before we moved to DC.  He wants one in his office one day.
27. When he was little, he was obsessed with sharks.
28. He was in a band in college and played at the Esso Club in Clemson.
29. He loves the beach.
30. He knows how to snowboard.
31. He cried when each one of you were born because of happiness and pride.  He was also a great diaper changer and get-up-in-the-middle-of-the-night-and-bring-baby-to-mama-so-she-can-nurse dad.
32. He always compliments your mama and holds doors for her.
33. He's a true gentleman.
34. He loves to come home to three boys yelling "Dad, Dad" and running to give hugs to him.
35. He got glasses in 2nd grade.
36. He loves y'all to no end and is always proud of you.

Happy Birthday, David!  We love you and are so very proud of you!
Anne Wimberly & your boys

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Playdough Time

The other week we had a snow day.  As exciting as that sounds, it wasn't anything that you could play in.  Mostly very wet snow that switched back and forth from snow to rain.  Our yard was a mud pit and, thankfully, the boys never asked to go outside and play.  We hunkered down inside next to the fire and enjoyed a "day off".  

I pulled out the playdough in the late afternoon because I was losing my sanity.  Nevermind that the boys are still in their pajamas.  Isn't that what "days off" are suppose to look like?

Collins was obsessed with the balls of playdough.

Banks and Hughes loved making twists with one of the tools and, subsequently, mixed a lot of colors together.  No more beautiful, solid red or blue or green.  We now have an assortment of mixed-up colored playdough.  It kind of irks me.

The fun lasted a while and then I cursed under my breath that they ruined all of my colors :)

Monday, March 18, 2013

Life at 37

Holy Moly, I'm 37!

I had a great birthday weekend.  It started off with a shopping excursion on Friday with two friends and ended with a dinner on Saturday night.  The boys gave me a mani/pedi gift certificate which I can't wait to use and David gave me the gift of not asking how much I spent on my shopping trip :)  I think 37 is going to be a pretty great year!

In honor of my birthday, I thought I would list 37 things about yours truly.  In no particular order :)

1.  I think God gave me three of the cutest boys on earth to be my sons.
2.  I'm pretty good at interrupting/understanding children with speech problems.
3.  I went shopping on Friday for me and for the first time in seven years did not buy one single kid item.
4.  I started back running in January and I feel pretty good.
5.  I love my suburban and will probably choose to get another one when the time calls for it.
6.  I like to visit the snow.  Not a big fan of it in my yard.
7.  I'm terrible at keeping in touch with friends.
8.  I like to make lists and scratch things off.
9.  I'm a beer snob.  Wine doesn't really interest me.
10. Sapphires are my favorite stone.
11. If I could live on mexican food and great steaks then I would.
12. I love to travel and have a list of places for David and I to go visit.
13. I have two burns on my right arm both from food - grits and popcorn.
14. I know all of the words to Sir Mixalot's I Like Big Butts.
15. My Mom's nickname for me while I was growing up was Suzie.
16. I walked the picket line with my Dad when Eastern Airlines went on strike.
17.  My Dad was hijacked in 1982/83 to Cuba.
18. I was a tomboy growing up.  
19. My first car was a yellow Volkswagen Beetle.  It's still in my Mom's garage.
20. I would like to become a better seamstress so that I can make curtains like my mom.
21. I don't mind driving long distances but if I'm the co-pilot then I will be asleep in two seconds.
22.  I drink one Coke a day.
23. I love to eat out.
24.  I love to shop but do not have enough endurance to hang with BecBec when she shops.
25.  I'm going to buy an extra-large bicycle seat for my bike.  The current one is as wide as a banana.
26. I have one doggone great husband.
27. I love college football but don't want my boys to play it.
28. I was an exchange student in Italy and studied in Spain for the summer during college.
29. I typically only read books during the summer and then I'm voracious.
30. The color green and tan skin are my favorite colors on me.
31. The beach calls my name.  I crave flip flops and sand between my toes.
32. Friends really are the best medicine.
33. My favorite candy bar is a Butterfinger.
34. I can make a mean guacamole.
35. When I think of my dad, it is always with him smiling.
36.  I think often about "what if we had a 4th child".
37. Hughes and Banks remind me of Bill and Kent.  Lawd, help me!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Say What?

I was doing some measuring of our office window when Banks walked in.  He took the measuring tape and tried to measure himself.  We talked about how he was getting so tall and growing every day and then I started to measure him.  

He told me he was 24 inches tall.  I told him "no, that he was almost 44 inches tall and that 24 inches tall would be right about here (while pointing to his hip)".

He then exclaimed, "Mom, my penis is 24 inches".  

And the fibs start now.


Someone please tell me what am I going to do with this precious boy.

We never used the word "penis" with Hughes.  We referred to it as his "teetee".  I'm not sure at what age we introduced the anatomically correct word but Banks has never used anything but the correct word.  It has definitely led to some interesting conversations in some definitely awkward environments. Like in restaurants and he tells me his zipper is hurting his penis and we have to tell him to lower his voice because the diners next to us don't want to know that information.

I think I'll revert back to "teetee" with Collins.

Sorry about the post.  I guess I should have forewarned you about it.  I'm  sure BecBec is trying to delete it from her laptop right now.  Sorry, Mom.  It's life.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


On Sunday, we went to see the Globetrotters with Hughes' cub scout troop.  We got to go behind the scenes and have a private meet-and-greet with some of the players and get autographs.

They all had nicknames that I can't remember but I think the one above is called Cheese.

The boys listening quite nicely.

This is Globee - Globetrotters mascot.

Warming up with some dunks

Practicing their dribbling and fast passes.

At halftime, the boys were able to go on to the court and give the players high-fives on their way to the locker room and on their way back onto the court.

And they won the World Championship.  The whole time during the game Banks was cheering for the Selects.  I kept telling him that this was a pretend game and the Globetrotters were going to win.  He didn't believe me and kept cheering wholeheartedly for every basket the Selects made.  

We had a great time.  They were very entertaining but it could have been about 30 minutes shorter.  

Since then I've witnessed the boys doing some crazy dunks on Collins' basketball goal in the playground.  I think they got inspired.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Photo Dump

Here are a bunch of random pics from February.

Collins trying to figure out which superhero he's going to identify with.

Hughes' cub scout troop walked in the George Washington Day parade in Old Town.  Of course, it was a freezing day but he enjoyed being the big shot handing out the candy.

Collins with the warmest seat on the block.

Banks and Barrett ready for some candy.

 Ol' Honest Abe was there to celebrate.

Here's Ol' George and Martha

Here comes Pack 1504

Hughes being a great big brother and giving candy to his brothers.

I've been in the middle of a very long hunt for new bedding for the big boys.  

I finally found some in Pottery Barn Kids that I love.  The boys' room is looking great.  Now, to tackle some blank walls and the playroom which is in constant disarray.

Hughes' had Wacky Day at school this past week. 

Here we have baseball pants & socks, fleece and crazy hair.  

And, last but not least, Hughes has his first adult tooth.

No, he hasn't lost any baby teeth.  This tooth decided to come in behind his baby tooth.  We were given a heads up about this from the pediatric dentist in Charleston.  It wasn't until last week when i was putting him to bed and questioning him on whether he brushed his teeth or not.  He opened up his mouth for me to examine it and, BAM, he had a tooth.  He was/is so proud of it.  He showed his teacher the next day and she said "that's a beauty".  We go back to the dentist in the spring so it will be interesting to hear what she suggests.  Hughes is not scared about the teeth pulling.  He's focused on the money or cash as he calls it.

BecBec and MaeMae are back from China.  I think they had a great time minus their "smuggling-a-bullet-into-China-and-then-getting-detained-for-30-minutes" experience.  Lesson learned:  Never borrow a bag from your husband who use to hunt 20 years ago.  You never know what could be lodged into the lining.  The crazy thing is that this specific bag made it through security at three different airports in the US and it had previously taken a trip to Russia with Al and Elizabeth, too.

I guess BecBec and MaeMae can take the occupation of smuggler off their resume now.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Learning Curve

Since moving to Northern Virginia there are some things that I have learned.  I would consider myself a well-traveled person but since I've never lived for an extended period of time above South Carolna there are quite a few things I've learned.  I know, I know, it's only 8 hours but, hey, there is a lot lost (and gained) in 8 hours.  

1.  Somewhere in the 8 hours between St. Matthews and Alexandria, the art of sweet tea has been lost.  This should immediately exclude them from #3.
2.  Northern gas is more expensive than southern gas.
3.  Northern Virginians still consider themselves southern.  The verdict is still out.
4.  Southern Maryland considers itself southern.  Hell no.  It's laughable to even consider.
5.  I know what a cord of wood is, what it should look like, and how much it should cost.
5.  I know the difference between seasoned wood and unseasoned wood.
6.  I prefer gas fireplaces.
7.  Somewhere in the 8 hours between SC and Alexandria, the art of manners has been lost.  Forget Mams and Sirs.  Thank you and please are very common though.
8.  Public bus transportation to work is pretty awesome.  (speaking for David, of course)
9.  Just because someone says they "work on the hill" does not mean they are some hotshot.  A fellow at church used this line on me and, of course, I questioned him on it.  Turns out he helps with the census every TEN years!  Give me a break!
10.  Visitors touring the White House should never be allowed entrance in sneakers, sweat shirts and jeans.  Have some respect, people!
11. No one chats in the grocery store check-out line.  Is that just me?  It's like the soup nazi on Seinfeld.
12. Ice Cream Supper at church does not refer to home-made ice cream.  It just means go by the Safeway and pick up some Breyer's and Hershey's Syrup. ( I may have mentioned this before)
13. Facetime with family and friends is pretty awesome.
14.  Sweetwater 420 needs to get a distribution center up here.
15.  Free incredible museums are pretty awesome.
16.  Parking tickets come in increments of $40.  Ouch!
17.  There is never free parking.  See #16.
18.  Speeding tickets caught by camera are even more expensive.
19.  The boys make friends easily and that makes me so happy.
20. You can drive in the snow.  Charlestonians won't believe me, but you actually can.
21.  Never send your son's nice Lands End snow gloves to school on a freezing day.  Send him with cheap ones or tell him to keep his hands in his pockets.
22. It's not a terrible drive if you leave at 7:30 on a Saturday morning.  Any time after that and it will take 2 hours just to get out of DC.
23. The boys have bladders the size of a watermelon.  I think it is in the training.  My Dad never stopped on trips so my body adjusted.  I think I've done the same to my boys.
24. Art of BBQ - also somewhere lost in the 8 hours straight up 95.
25. 50 degrees feels kind of nice when all you've been getting is 28 degrees.  I just may come out of hibernation.

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers