Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Natural HIstory Museum

One of our many days here before school/work started, we ventured to the National History Museum.  The great thing about all of the Smithsonian museums up here is that they're free.  Crowded but free.  So, off to see the dinosaurs with two grumpy kids and a baby.  This day we decided to drive in.  You know that song "Easy going in, hard coming out" or maybe it's a song lyric, but, anywho, that would describe our driving experience.  Drive into DC - easy  Drive out of DC - hard and confusing

So, here we are at the museum.  Hughes and Banks were grumpy like I said before.  Collins is just happy to go with the flow.

Hughes was not impressed with the skeletons like we thought he would.  He was really just ho-hum about the total experience.  David and I thought it was awesome.

 Collins interacting with the exhibits. 

 "Why doesn't this boy have on clothes?"  That got some giggles from the big boys.

 Titanaboa - special exhibit about a giant snake.  That's really all I got out of it.

 They look thrilled, don't they?

When driving out of DC we realized that some important streets we were supposed to turn on did not have street signs.  So, we missed them.  And then we got stuck in traffic.  Holy Batman, traffic with three exhausted kiddies and two frustrated parents does not make a happy car.  We made it to Old Town Alexandria and decided to stop for ice cream to drown our frustrations in sundaes.  Then all was right with the world :)

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