Friday, September 28, 2012

National Book Festival

Last weekend the National Book Festival was taking place on the mall.  (do I capitalize mall?)  We thought that we would "carpe diem" since we're living right near our nation's capital and go.  I packed a picnic lunch for us to have down there while we were enjoying the festivities.  I looked up the festival on the Internet and they were having all kinds of book characters doing appearances (Super Why, Curious George, etc.) and authors.  

So, we set off on our adventure with every other single person on the planet.  Holy Smokes, the traffic was a nightmare.  We get into DC and we're moving at a snail's pace.  There is no parking.  We drove around for over an hour with the kids fussing in the background "I'm hungry" "When are we going to get there?"  "Why can't we get out".  David and I kept our cool.   

All it took was one look between us and we knew what was going to be our next step.  A quick map search on the ol' trusty iPhone and we were heading home while having our picnic in the car.

Banks fell asleep.  Everyone else ate.  And, it was the first time that we didn't get lost leaving DC.  Maybe we'll try again next year using the metro.

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