Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Water Taxi and the Aquarium

I would like to say it was all my idea - but it wasn't. So, I won't. I just got lucky and have some really great friends that are really motivated to do lots of cool adventures with their children. And I tag along!

Tuesday, we took the water taxi from Patriots Point Marina to the aquarium to mix it up a bit. It was $8/adult and kids 5 and under were free roundtrip. The boys had a great time on the water taxi and were thrilled that they were going on a boat. It wasn't crowded. Well, the water taxi wasn't crowded. The aquarium was a different story. One volunteer told me there were 400+ students on field trips to the aquarium that day - I swear they were all middle schoolers! Luckily, it cleared out soon after we arrived.

On our way - Banks, Charles & Hughes

Eloise, Hughes, Lucy, Frances, Banks, Charles & Mary Bec

Checking out the albino alligator - pretty cool if I do say so myself.

On the way back - Hughes and Lucy held hands for a little while. We had a great morning!

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