Saturday, May 22, 2010

End of T-Ball

This morning we had our last T-Ball game. Hughes has come a long way this season - from crying and having to be bribed with milkshakes to gladly running out on the field and listening to the coach. He has made us proud! His intensity level is definitely not comparable to some of the other teammates but he is still having a good time and has a smile on his face.

Before the game sitting on the bench with his team.

Banks has been a trooper. As much as he wanted to be out there playing, he was content playing with his daddy.

Hughes running home - check out that stride - maybe we have a track star!

Coach James and Hughes chatting on 3rd.

Trophy Ceremony - Coach Rod giving Hughes his t-ball trophy. Hughes was very excited and very impressed with his trophy. He keeps saying "I won".

A very proud player

Showing it off to Dad - it has his name on it along with a baseball that spins.

The team showing off their trophies!

Coach Rod and Hughes - This coach has made all the difference this t-ball season. Hughes follows him around wherever he is on the field and gladly listens to his directions. I can only hope that all his future coaches are like this.

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