Sunday, June 27, 2010

He did it again!

Hughes has struck again - with scissors that is! He did it today when he went upstairs upset about something. We're not really sure what he was crying about but it happened right when we came in from church. Something happened and he went upstairs. I continued to fix lunch and David went upstairs to check on him. This is when David found him under his covers in his bed with the pump to David's blood pressure cuff. Well, to say that David's blood pressure hit a boiling point is an understatement. Hughes had obviously gone into our bathroom where I had used scissors earlier in the morning to cut some tags off things and proceeded to use them to destroy the cuff. Hughes got his first bare-bottom spanking and I think it made quite an impression.

Hughes has been told that if he is caught with scissors in his hands or proof of cutting something again that he will immediately get another spanking & time out.

This has got to be nipped in the bud. All scissors have been confiscated!

24 Week Update

There is no denying it - I'm quite large for being 24 wks (well, 25 wks. now). I went to the doctor last Wednesday for my glucose test and check-up. Hopefully, I passed the test. With past pregnancies, I've always passed so hopefully this is no different. The baby's heartbeat was 151bpm. I'm measuring at 28 wks. which is great if I was 28 wks. but not really a vote of confidence since I was only 24 wks. at the appointment. But, hey, I get big with my babies and I've always lost it. This time it will probably take a little more sweat and effort. I did ask Dr. Dennis when we could label this is as a "big baby". Who knows? Maybe I'm having another Huge Hughes!

As far as weight gain, well, let's just say I've gained plenty. In fact, I've gained 12 pounds in the last four weeks! Geez Louise! So, I've gained a total of 27 pounds - that's what some people gain total in their pregnancies! Oh well, I don't feel like I'm gorging on ice cream sundaes & banana splits!

As far as any pregnancy side-effects, well, my heartburn has reappeared just last week so I'm really looking forward to spending the rest of my nights pregnant popping Tums. David has always been concerned about my dental health and the amount of sugar in Tums but I think I would rather have a mouth full of metal than have to survive the next 15 wks. with heartburn. Thank goodness this is only a pregnancy symptom!

David and I are getting close to an official name. We trying to work out the kinks with his first name as we're fairly certain that this little boy will go by his middle name.

Banks is still very insistent that he has a baby growing in his tummy, too. He does like to sing the Lightning McQueen song that David made up to my tummy. Thankfully, I don't have to sing a song to his tummy. Hughes tries to correct him and tell him that only mom has a baby but Banks is pretty confident that he is growing a baby, too.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Class Reunion

This past Saturday, I had my 15th high school reunion in St. Matthews. I went to Calhoun Academy and graduated with 35 people. Although it was small, I loved every bit of it! It was a lot of fun getting to see everyone!
We had 19 classmates show up along with spouses/significant others. I missed seeing all the absent classmates but hopefully for our 20th everyone will be able to come.

Team Holman

19 out of 35 classmates from the Class of 1995
Back Row: Adam, Adam, William, Kimberly, Derrick, Joe, Allison, Me, Scott, Laura, Amy, Bryan & Chandler
Front Row: Angie, Anna, Matt (our King), Brittany (our Queen), Amy, & Angela

Spouses/Significant Others of Classmates
aka The Public School Kids

David was a really good sport and we both had a great time. Isn't it amazing that after 15 years of not seeing someone or keeping up a close relationship, there is still the ability to pick up right where you left off?

Monday, June 21, 2010

Pawley's Island Vacation 2010

We just got back from a wonderful week at Pawleys with David's family. The weather was perfect - well, it was HOT but what do you expect in June in the South on the beach? I sat in the water most days and watched David be Best Dad in the World with the boys - they fished, they swam, they played sea monster, they raced boats, they chased their kayak men, dug giant holes, filled buckets with water, made sandcastles, etc. I made sure their tummies were full and that they were hydrated. I tried to race boats with Banks but he told me I was "too big". I asked why Daddy got to do it and he said "Daddy small". So, this beach trip was all about Dad and I was happy to sit and watch. Of course, don't forget I am 24 weeks pregnant which doesn't sound like a lot but my goodness I feel like I'm 35 wks!

Me and Elton about to hit the beach.
This is my only proof that I was on the beach vacation with my family besides staged family shots. I was glad to be behind the camera in my maternity bathing suits and not in front of it!

Hughes on his "surf board". He had a small spiderman one but he had obviously out-grown it. We surprised him with a bigger boogie board with a pirate scene. It was a huge hit and Hughes was fearless with the waves. He learned how to "ride a wave" in. The last day we were there he made a friend on the beach. I asked Hughes what his friend's name was and he said, "Timmy (or something like that), he got a big tummy". The friend was overweight but it was shocking to me that Hughes noticed.

Banks(2), Kate(3), and Hughes(4) - The Grandchildren
Charlotte (10mo.) is not pictured - she was probably busy eating sand!

Hughes having a snack break with Uncle Andrew.

Banks and David fishing for the Big One.

David and the boys before they start digging. Hughes learned this week that if you dig deep enough at the beach then you will hit water. Needless to say, that was his goal all week after he learned that fact.

David showing Hughes the butterfly ray that he caught with his cast nest. It was a crazy site - when the tide was going out there were stingrays everywhere. I stepped on three at different times and about started running on water. The water was also clear in patches which made it possible to see the rays. It was pretty amazing.

David and his bluefish. All fish and rays were released FYI.

The boys fishing in the bait bucket. Some of the bait did not make it because of little hands. Another lessons we learned this week - fish can't breathe out of water!

Hughes and Banks petting the Great White that David caught. Okay, it wasn't a Great White but it was a baby shark and the boys thought that was cool!

The bigger cousins riding their floats that Dawa and G-daddy bought them. We kept them mainly indoors. Only one survived the week.

Hughes and Kate being burried alive.

The Wagon Train - thanks Uncle Andrew for being the "steam" that had this train moving.

A Pawley's tradition for our family - a night of putt putt. We opted for the Captain Hook themed course this year. Banks and Hughes before they boarded Hook's ship. It probably would have helped had the boys seen the Peter Pan movie. Nevertheless, they loved all the decorations. We're trying to teach Hughes how to play putt putt but he just wants to put his ball right beside the hole and tap it in. Banks, on the other hand, swings his putter like it is a 9-iron and me ducking & dodging the entire time. I was glad to make it out with everyone clear of a putter wound.

Banks putting left-handed with his club backwards. He refused to hold it the correct way.

Family Shot at the course - it's a tradition. David won - that's not a tradition!

Family Shot on the dock before we left for our putt putt adventure.

Check out those cuties! I bribed them to smile with these toy kayak men - Banks typically look at the camera. It's Hughes that is the one who the bribery was directed towards - it worked like a charm!

Holman Crew before I learned to bribe Hughes.
Front Row - Hughes, me, GiGi, Deyna holding Charlotte, Kate, Andrew
Back Row - Banks, David, G-Daddy, Dowa, & Neal

Another family shot on the porch - days before stooping to bribery.

We had one incident mid-week - Gigi fell and hurt her hip. This extended her beach vacation at Waccamaw Hospital and hopefully she will be transferred to a rehab facility in Rock Hill today or tomorrow.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Last Day of School

The boys had their last day of school for the year last week. They both got excellent reports from their teachers. I'm glad the summer is here and our schedule is wide open!

Hughes with Miss April and Miss Adele - he has matured a lot this year. Next year we will go from two mornings/week to five mornings/week. Big Step!

Banks with Miss Brandy. He has loved his class and next year he will go 3 mornings/week vs. the 2 mornings/week he went this year.

Updates on the Boys

Banks and I were having a conversation and I asked him if he was going to help take care of the baby when he got here. He said yes and then asked me if I was going to help him take care of his baby when it got here. He is still under the assumption that he, too, has a baby growing inside his tummy.

Hughes told Banks spontaneously that he loved him and Banks replied the same. Talking about melt your heart!

Hughes was at bible school and they were talking about knowing Jesus so that you could go to heaven when you die. Hughes told his teacher that he didn't know Jesus but that he knew Hudson and was going to his house. He cracks me up!

This morning before bible school started I wanted Hughes to go to the bathroom. I walked towards the girls' bathroom and Hughes stopped. He refused to go in. He told me that that room was only for girls and that he needed to go to the boys' room. He had to have learned that yesterday at bible school because he has never refused to go in the ladies' room before.

I asked Banks if he would take care of me as I was laying down on the couch. He gave me a kiss and said, "I promise, now go night night". I love that kid!

This morning as we were getting dressed for VBS, Hughes told me that he had something in his ear. He scratched his ear and pulled out his TUBE! It was pretty cool and had obviously fallen out of the ear drum and was on its way out. Now, if we can only get the other tube to fall out maybe we can avoid tube removal surgery in the fall. Do you think they'll give us a 50% discount for only having to remove one tube?

We're potty training Banks this week. He's doing pretty good and must have the bladder the size of a horse. We haven't gotten him to take the initiative and go to the bathroom on his own but he stays dry throughout the day and when I ask him to sit on the potty every few hours he willingly goes and goes and goes! Poop - well, that's another story!

We are in a huge Scooby Doo phase right now. Luckily, Netflix has kept us in business with their ability to stream videos - much cheaper than buying them!

Baby #3 is continuing to grow and kick. I've had a few people around tell me that they didn't even realize I was pregnant - WHAT? I've gained 20 lbs. - Do they just think I've packed on the pounds? I clearly have a pregnancy belly. And, of course, one man asked me if I was sure I was only having one baby - they should teach a class to men and let them know what comments are considered rude. Maybe I should gather all kinds of rude comments men say and write a book. It can be given as high school graduation presents!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Chefs

Today, I got a wild hair. It was raining and we needed some indoor entertainment. So, please let me introduce you to The Chefs. I had a lunch of pizza and brownies today courtesy of my boys.

I explained the directions and boys followed. They did a great job and I was proud of their listening skills. And, I got them to eat mushrooms!

Putting on the sauce

Making sure the pepperonis and mushrooms were in the right place.

Final product before the oven - we had to use cheddar cheese because I forgot to buy mozz. cheese. It was still fantastic!

And, now, we're stirring the brownies. I opted out of using the hand-mixer. I thought it would be best for my clean-up job and for all the little fingers involved to stay away from that appliance.

Enjoying the meal of pizza before the dessert of brownies.
They loved their meal!

Memorial Day Weekend

We played hookie from church on Sunday and hit the beach for some family time. The mission was to build sand castles, dig giant holes, and jump over the waves. I would say the mission was accomplished and the family time was much needed. Hughes is definitely much braver towards the waves this year and Banks, well, Banks is still a little timid around the waves. He's not quite big enough to stand his ground when a strong wave hits.

The boys hard at work building their giant sand castle with moat.

On Memorial Day, we headed to the creekhouse at Edisto to spend the day with BecBec, PopPop, Aunt Shell, Bull, Anna Banks, Emma, & Lucius. Kent and Trina were playing golf so we only saw them for a few minutes right before we left to come back home. The weather was gloomy but the rain held off while we were there. The boys and Charlie did a lot of playing outdoors - baseball, football, walking through the creek - and they did a lot of playing indoors - cartoons, wrestling, squealing, etc. We had a great time and a fabulous dinner.

Bull lowering the boys into the creek. The creekhouse is on a tidal creek so when it is low tide then it is really low tide - like ankle deep! It was low tide so the boys were able to walk around and exlore the mud, crabs, and other marsh creatures.

Checking our their surroundings.

Emma being the babysitter and making sure the boys stayed close by.

We had a great Memorial Day and are very appreciative of what this day is about. I'm proud to an American and thankful for the freedoms that I enjoy because fellow Americans have fought and died for them. God Bless the USA!

Scissor Mayhem

Hughes has been on a search 'n destroy mission lately with the scissors. He has cut his hair once already. I thought I his all the scissors until this most recent attack. He was in my bathroom and got my hair-cutting scissors and destroyed my iron and hair dryer. The iron wasn't plugged in but the hair dryer was. So, $50 later we now have a brand new iron and hairdryer. We had a long talk and he knows if he does something like this again then he is going to GET IT!

Oh, the joys of boys!

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers