We just got back from a wonderful week at Pawleys with David's family. The weather was perfect - well, it was HOT but what do you expect in June in the South on the beach? I sat in the water most days and watched David be Best Dad in the World with the boys - they fished, they swam, they played sea monster, they raced boats, they chased their kayak men, dug giant holes, filled buckets with water, made sandcastles, etc. I made sure their tummies were full and that they were hydrated. I tried to race boats with Banks but he told me I was "too big". I asked why Daddy got to do it and he said "Daddy small". So, this beach trip was all about Dad and I was happy to sit and watch. Of course, don't forget I am 24 weeks pregnant which doesn't sound like a lot but my goodness I feel like I'm 35 wks!

Me and Elton about to hit the beach.
This is my only proof that I was on the beach vacation with my family besides staged family shots. I was glad to be behind the camera in my maternity bathing suits and not in front of it!

Hughes on his "surf board". He had a small spiderman one but he had obviously out-grown it. We surprised him with a bigger boogie board with a pirate scene. It was a huge hit and Hughes was fearless with the waves. He learned how to "ride a wave" in. The last day we were there he made a friend on the beach. I asked Hughes what his friend's name was and he said, "Timmy (or something like that), he got a big tummy". The friend was overweight but it was shocking to me that Hughes noticed.

Banks(2), Kate(3), and Hughes(4) - The Grandchildren
Charlotte (10mo.) is not pictured - she was probably busy eating sand!

Hughes having a snack break with Uncle Andrew.

Banks and David fishing for the Big One.

David and the boys before they start digging. Hughes learned this week that if you dig deep enough at the beach then you will hit water. Needless to say, that was his goal all week after he learned that fact.

David showing Hughes the butterfly ray that he caught with his cast nest. It was a crazy site - when the tide was going out there were stingrays everywhere. I stepped on three at different times and about started running on water. The water was also clear in patches which made it possible to see the rays. It was pretty amazing.

David and his bluefish. All fish and rays were released FYI.

The boys fishing in the bait bucket. Some of the bait did not make it because of little hands. Another lessons we learned this week - fish can't breathe out of water!

Hughes and Banks petting the Great White that David caught. Okay, it wasn't a Great White but it was a baby shark and the boys thought that was cool!

The bigger cousins riding their floats that Dawa and G-daddy bought them. We kept them mainly indoors. Only one survived the week.

Hughes and Kate being burried alive.

The Wagon Train - thanks Uncle Andrew for being the "steam" that had this train moving.

A Pawley's tradition for our family - a night of putt putt. We opted for the Captain Hook themed course this year. Banks and Hughes before they boarded Hook's ship. It probably would have helped had the boys seen the Peter Pan movie. Nevertheless, they loved all the decorations. We're trying to teach Hughes how to play putt putt but he just wants to put his ball right beside the hole and tap it in. Banks, on the other hand, swings his putter like it is a 9-iron and me ducking & dodging the entire time. I was glad to make it out with everyone clear of a putter wound.

Banks putting left-handed with his club backwards. He refused to hold it the correct way.
Family Shot at the course - it's a tradition. David won - that's not a tradition!

Family Shot on the dock before we left for our putt putt adventure.
Check out those cuties! I bribed them to smile with these toy kayak men - Banks typically look at the camera. It's Hughes that is the one who the bribery was directed towards - it worked like a charm!

Holman Crew before I learned to bribe Hughes.
Front Row - Hughes, me, GiGi, Deyna holding Charlotte, Kate, Andrew
Back Row - Banks, David, G-Daddy, Dowa, & Neal

Another family shot on the porch - days before stooping to bribery.
We had one incident mid-week - Gigi fell and hurt her hip. This extended her beach vacation at Waccamaw Hospital and hopefully she will be transferred to a rehab facility in Rock Hill today or tomorrow.