Friday, April 17, 2009

Latest and Greatest

I was introduced to Dave Ramsey on Monday night via his dvd series on Financial Peace.  I am now addicted to him - I've watched his call-in show the last two nights.  He has inspired me to get our finances in order and to put my self on the all-cash system.  I know some husbands do that to their wives but I'm doing it to myself.  I want to see if I can rise to the challenge.  I'm going all-cash envelopes for groceries and another envelope for kids' stuff (lunches out, jump castles, anything entertainment for the kids, etc.).  May will be the first month that I do it.  Wish me luck!

Update on Banks:  
*At 18 months, he is really jumping.  Hughes showed him how to jump on his bed so lately that has been a favorite activity everytime we're upstairs. 
*Banks can go up and down the steps by himself - it scares the heck out of me every time!  He, also, goes up and down the swingset ladder and slide by himself - no fear!
*He loves poppyseed chicken casserole and this morning he ate his first bowl of cereal by himself - actually 3 bowls of cereal.  

*When he asks for something, he claps if I guess it right.  

*He is starting to get interested in puzzles.  He can match the pictures but still has trouble placing the puzzle piece into the puzzle.

Update on Hughes:
*At 3 1/2 Hughes continues to make progress in speech.  He is saying more and more each day. 

*He got his first real bike last week and has now quadrupled his speed.  I have to run with the stroller to keep up with him.  Now, if I can only teach him how to use the brakes!

*There is starting to be more brotherly interaction - playing chase, jumping on the bed, doing puzzles, playing on the swingset.  I can't wait to see what Hughes teaches him next - good or bad!

*He likes to help me in the yard (collecting weeds I've pulled and putting them in the bucket) and he also likes to work on the fence gate.  He goes and gets David's tools and then works the wrench around the nuts and bolts.  He saw David do this and when Hughes says "I'm going to work" that is what he does.  Maybe he thinks his dad is Handy Manny!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Why Charlie?

Charlie tried to hunt eggs, too.  I guess he thought he would mark them!

Easter Day

The Easter Bunny came last night.  He left crocs, musical toothbrushes, M&Ms, and rubber snakes.  He also left a ton of eggs in our backyard. 

Hughes checking out his bag.  Later, he would refuse to hunt eggs.

Banks loving his new toothbrush.  This boy loves to brush his teeth and that's a great thing!  He goes to the dentist for the first time this summer with Hughes.

Banks decided that he was going to hunt the eggs by himself.  He put on his crocs and hit the yard.  As you can see, the Easter Bunny just threw the eggs into the yard.  I think he was really tired.
Before church.  Hughes is eating orange TicTacs - a new favorite.

And later after church and lunch,  Hughes finally decided to hunt the eggs in the backyard.  I was so happy b/c I knew I was going to end up picking them all up.  Unfortunately for me,  Hughes threw back the ones that didn't have candy inside them.

We had a wonderful Easter Day.  The church was packed.  We got there an hour before the service started b/c we knew it was going to that way.  The first good thing that happened:  Banks and Hughes went right into the nursery with no crying.  In fact, Hughes has a favorite nursery worker unbeknownst to us.  Second good thing:  Elizabeth had reserved us a pew.  Third good thing:  The service was amazing.  Lots of singing.  Lots of praising.  A beautiful message.  It was one of those services that puts everything in life into perspective and you walk out feeling like you could conquer the world!

We had lunch at the rectory with family where the boys ran and played the entire time.  One of Hughes' favorite places to go is Hudson's house.  Every time we go near the church, Hughes asks if we're going to Hudson's house.  As a tradition, we had the money hunt again.  And I'm proud to say that David and I came out the big winners!

It's been a great day filled with lots of family and fun.  But most importantly, Jesus has risen and we have everlasting life.  Hallelujah!

Neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt

On Saturday, we had our neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt.  All the children in the neighborhood met at 10:30 with empty baskets in tow at the stop sign.  

Banks before the big hunt.  If he looks confused, it's because it's his first real hunt.

David laying out a game plan with Banks - which house to hit first, how to dive in front of your friends for the eggs, and last but not least how to shake the eggs to see if there is any candy inside.

 Hughes finally decided to join the hunt after realizing there was candy inside the eggs.  Let's just say I don't think my eldest got my competitive spirit.  

Banks staring down an egg.

The Holman Crew - Charleston Version
Anne Wimberly, Hughes (3 1/2), Banks (1 1/2), and David

Am I doing it right, mom?

Oh, yeah!

Check out that cupcake! 

Dad with the egg hunters.  We donated two dozen to the hunt and brought home 5.  The Easter Bunny had to go and buy some more plastic eggs for his Sunday hunt.  Maybe next year, we'll be more ready.

Friday Night Concert

Friday night we drove out to Freshfields and enjoyed their Free Friday Night Concert.  The kids always have a wonderful time running and dancing and that night was no exception.  We met the Steeds and Murphys and had a wonderful picnic dinner.  It was much windier that I had anticipated so we begged, borrowed and stole any type of coats we could find.   Luckily for me, Suzie had some extras in her cars.

Hughes relaxing before the fun started.

Hudson joined us for some dancing, too.  MaeMae brought Wimberly, Christian and Hudson.

Banks in one of Conley's sweaters.  I think he made a lot of new friends that night.

It's a long video but I love the part of Banks' jumping, Hughes' dancing, and then Banks sitting with the ladies :)

Boo Boo

Hughes' favorite game right now is Operation.  He calls it "Boo Boo".  I wonder if Milton Bradley would consider a name change?

Strawberry Time!

We headed out on Thursday to pick our first bucket of strawberries for the season.  We had a quick lesson in Green vs. Red Strawberries.  Unfortunately, Banks really, really liked the green baby strawberries. I had to throw quite a few back into the field b/c momma ain't paying for green strawberries!

Workers:  Banks, Hughes, Conley, and Chandler in the stroller

Banks loves Chandler.  Whenever she cries, he always goes and checks on her.  He kisses her, tries to give her a passy, holds her hand, etc.  He has all this love for her but does not like it when I hold her and I LOVE to hold a baby!

Final pic of the strawberry pickers!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

No Limits

This morning, we headed over to Mt. P to experience the fun at No Limits.  Considering it is spring break for the public schools here, I was thinking it would be very busy.  Obviously, word has not gotten out, yet!  No Limits is an awesome indoor playground with a great corkscrew slide, ball pit, rope bridge, etc.  Lots of things for little and big ones to do (basketball game, foosball table, indoor soccer goal, etc)  The boys had a blast and ran for a constant 2.5 hours.  

Conley and Hughes in the ball pit.

Conley, Banks and Hughes crossing the rope bridge - the bottom was weaved of rope.  Banks was a little hesitant at first but with some encouragement managed to get over his uncertainty.

Banks is my daredevil child.  He came flying down this slide - thankfully on his belly, feet first.  He had the biggest grin on his face like "did you see me?"

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Easter Egg Dying

Today, we dyed Easter eggs at Suzie's house during playdate and, also, had a small Easter egg hunt.  Hughes was interested in the the dying for about two eggs and Banks just wanted to drink the pretty juice - THE DYE!  I had to wrestle a few cups out of his hands without spilling dye all over me or him.  I finally got him away from the table and finished the project myself!

As for the hunting, well, Hughes was not interested.  I think he got overwhelmed with all the excitement and decided to go play trucks by himself where it was quiet.  Hughes does not like loud noises and unexpected commotion.  He hunted eggs with Conley the day before and did fine so I know he can do it.  It's just a matter of wanting to do it - we'll see how Saturday goes at our neighborhood egg hunt.  Banks was a little slow on the hunting, too.  We'll have to do some practice sessions in our backyard.

side note:  David is at playdate b/c I locked us out of the house - he was a good sport!

Rub a Dub Dub

While we were in Atlanta, Mom and Dad had the boys in St. Matthews.  The boys had the best time getting into everything imaginable and they love Anna Banks and Emma.  Mom took them to EdVenture in Columbia and the farmers' market.  The boys had a great time!  Here is a pic from bath time.  I'm not sure how much longer all four can fit in the tub.  Banks did not like it b/c he couldn't spread out.  Just as well, he was the first to get out and the first to go to bed :)

College Girls Night

This wkend, David and I traveled to Atlanta to spend the wkend.  I was getting together with some dear college friends and David was going to party with his brother.  I had the best time and wished it would have lasted longer.  Here is a picture of us hanging out Saturday night at the W.  

Teeny Tiny and Big Big

I asked Hughes last week if Banks was big like him, he replied with "no, Banks is teeny tiny" with fingers pinched together and eyes squinched.  He also added that he was "big, big" with arms outstretched and on his tippy toes.

Tonight, I told Hughes that I was proud of him for using the potty like a big boy and made some comment of how he was like daddy.  Hughes corrected me and said "I not daddy, I Hughes".  Guess he's not ready to fill those shoes, yet!
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers