We conquered the fair last night. We went with the Steeds in hope that Conley's bravery towards rides would rub off on Hughes. Well, it did. Big Time! We got the hand stamp and the boys were off. Here is a quick pic of the boys checking out that great fair merchandise.

Here we are on the first ride. We rode the helicopters several times. Parents got to ride free on the ones that required a parent. Banks got to ride his first ride even though we didn't have tickets for him. The nice carnie man offered to let him go free. This was the only one Banks participated in.

Here the boys are at Super Trucks. Lots of fun.

Riding the elephants - a parent had to ride on this one. Good thing b/c had my hips not been there, the boys would have slid on out of Dumbo. It went in a circle and was pretty fast. It was a tight squeeze but safety first!

Sweet Picture of the boys holding hands and Suzie leading them through Ladson's finest. There was definitely an interesting array of people.

After a quick dinner break, we're heading back to Kiddie Land. Hughes is super pumped!

Mr. James taking one for the team and riding the dinosaurs with the boys. Again, they loved it!

Here they are riding the train. Hughes kept saying "choo choo" on every ride he went on after this. I guess he thought it was a spirit call or something.

Okay, so this one didn't go over to well. It was by far the fastest one, no parents allowed, but the boys wanted to do it. It was a true roller coaster. Conley did fine. Hughes was terrified! This picture is in the beginning. Let's just say, I had to go up onto the platform and pick Hughes up. Bad idea sending him on a roller coaster by himself.

Best Friends Forever

Banks thinking "what is this place".

So, how much does the fair cost in 2008?
Admission for two adults $16 Children free 4 and under
Handstamp for unlimited rides $20 Easily rode $40 worth of rides so we came out on top
Fried Pickles $5 Shared with Suzie
3 Corndogs $12
1 Lemonade $4.50
1 Elephant Ear $6.00 Totally worth it!
Juices Boxes I snuck in Free
Water bottle I snuck in Free
Snack Items I snuck in Free
Carnie Watching Free
We had a great night. Hughes was in hog heaven and just about loved everything. Besides the normal dirty fairgrounds and, well, let's just say interesting mix of people, it was awesome! Great behavior, greasy food, and lots of laughter make for a great night!
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