Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Day 2011

We were in St. Matthews this year for Easter. The Easter Bunny found us and brought us lots of surprises.

Banks' basket - soccer shirt, goggles, Scooby Doo coloring book, Bumblebee Transformer, and a small chocolate bunny

Hughes' basket- baseball shirt, goggles, dinosaur coloring book, Starscream Transformer, and a small chocolate bunny

Collins wondering where his basket was?

Oh yeah, it's right here! Collins' basket - formula, a light-up ball, and a small chocolate bunny that I will eat.

After our basket surprises, we hit the yard to find the eggs that the bunny hid. Charlie also wanted to find the eggs but he just wanted to eat what was inside of them. This made for a few eggs popped open and their treats mysteriously gone.

Hughes' running and jumping trying to get the egg off the limb.

Charlie the master egg hunter

After our morning egg hunt, we went to church where the kids were read The First Easter and then had an egg hunt at church.

David and Collins listening intensely during the story.

Banks checking out his eggs.

Hughes, Mac Felder & Emma all checking out their eggs.

Banks exhausted from egg hunting.

Family Shot - don't mind the bare feet, the untucked shirts, the baby not looking. At least David is put together.

Collins' First Easter

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt

We had our neighborhood Easter egg hunt this morning. As usual, it was a huge success and the boys loved it.

Before leaving the house - the first picture I get all three looking and Banks decides to stick out his tongue!

Walking to the egg hunt - the boys were pretty excited!

The Gang - Wyatt, Conley, Hughes & Banks

Hughes spying some eggs.

Collins in his bunny suit ready to take a stroll.

And, they're off!

The loot - it was a very successful hunt!

Now, we begin the yearly tradition of the neighborhood kid picture.

Hughes and Banks did a great job this year of sitting with their baskets during the pictures. In the years past, I've typically had to be in the picture holding one of them.

More kids join the picture.

Big Group - when we first moved into the neighborhood there were 3 little kids - now, look at us!

We had a great time. The boys loved it and they're ready to hunt some more! I hope the Easter Bunny doesn't disappoint.

First Beach Trip 2011

On Thursday, we had our first beach trip of the year. The weather was beautiful and the water was freezing! It was Collins' first time at the beach and he did pretty good. I did get him out of the stroller for his feet to touch the water. Then, he slept the rest of the time.

Hughes digging his first hole of the beach season.

Collins catching some rays.

Banks with his water squirter. He was dangerous with this. He thought he could squirt whoever he wanted to since we were all in bathing suits. Unfortunately, he got a few unsuspecting beach-goers before I noticed what he was doing. Luckily, everyone was in good spirits.

Now, I'm ready to hit the beach again!

Riverbanks Zoo

On Tuesday of Spring Break, I met my good friend, Julie, at the zoo with her two kids and mine. It was quite crowded and we started off a little rough with Hughes complaining of his shoes hurting. The inner-redneck came out in me and I let him go barefoot for the first 30 minutes. I figured, who am I going to see? What's it matter? Well, guess what? 20 minutes into the trip and I ran into Deyna, my sister-in-law from Charlotte. So, now there is an eyewitness to my bad parenting decision. However, soon after Hughes figured out how to ride on Collins' stroller which made his feet hurt less. In his defense, he did have a pretty nasty blister on his foot and bandaids were just not helping.

Collins, once again along for the ride.

Hughes deciding to catch a ride. He did complain that Collins was kicking him. I told him that was the price he paid for hitching the ride.

I spy something tall, yellow and brown with a long neck.

The kangaroo exhibit was pretty cool. You get to walk into their habitat. As in, there is nothing seperating you from the kangaroos.

Ending the zoo trip with an Icee.
Kate, Jake, Banks & Hughes

The big kids and the stinky flamingos.
Banks and I later had a long discussion on the stinky flamingos and the extinct dinosaurs. He kept telling me that dinosaurs were stinky and I tried to explain the difference but the words sound too much alike for a 3-year old to understand.

Riding the komodo dragon. Hughes liked this a lot since he is in his Reptile ABC book.

We had a great time. Hopefully, next time we can swing some adult-only time. It's hard trying to catch-up with 5 kids in tow.

Animal Grossology - State Museum

On Monday during Spring Break, we originally headed to Columbia to explore at EdVenture but it was closed so with the boys crying I made a quick plan-change and headed to the State Museum across the street. We've been there before when it had the dinosaur exhibit and the boys loved it. This time the special exhibit was Animal Grossology - as in all things GROSS about animals! Think burps, toots, poops, etc. A little boy's heaven!!!!!

Hughes and Banks at the beginning. The parrot was talking to them.

Really, Mom?

This was the Vomit Slurper. In a nut shell, if a fly lands on your food then don't eat it.

Banks checking the loo about information on the tape worm.

The infamous cow that burped and tooted. You could watch the digestion through his four stomachs - yes, I typed that correctly. A cow has four stomachs which is why it is the gassiest animal on the planet. Hence why this cow burped and tooted. I missed pictures of the battling dung beetles, frog game and all sorts of other gems.

We explored the rest of the museum, too.

Future Paleontologists

Model of a TRex Skull


Collins' bestfriend

Two weeks ago, Collins' bestfriend had his 1 year old birthday party. We were excited to celebrate William's big day but on top of that the Easter Bunny showed up!

Nelson, William & Anna

William and Collins - look at the difference 6 months can make!

William meeting the Easter Bunny

Collins loved it or maybe he's just too little to understand that there is a giant, creepy bunny holding him. Either way, great picture, huh?

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers