Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Creek Weekend

This past weekend, we ventured to the creek house for some rest and relaxation. The weather was perfect and the fish, well, the fish weren't biting. The boys fished and fished off the dock but no bites. Finally, David threw in the cast net and caught some little ones for the kids to see. We ate well, we slept well, and the kids were perfect. It was a great weekend!

Mary Bec and Banks taking a stroll down the dock.

Lucy and Hughes were really excited to fish. (sun in your eyes = crazy facial expression)

All four looking for fish.

Hughes working the Superman fishing pole.

Lucy using her Strawberry Shortcake pole.

Our crab trap that came up empty.

David pretending to reel in The Big One.

Rachel testing the waters.

Banks enjoying some fishing time.

The Cast Net and his thrower.

1 comment:

The Crotwell Family said...

That is the funniest video, I laughed and laughed. I can't wait to show Kyle. I just love how Hughes throws the fish in the water, too cute.

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