Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Be A Tourist - 2010

We've been a little slack on our Be A Tourist adventures this year. I refused to anything outdoors at the beginning of the month simply because it was so cold. Now, with beautiful weather I plan to attack with my pass in hand. Below are the places we have ventured to thus far.

The boys jumping off the firetruck bumper. There is no way they were about to smile and look at the camera. I take what I can get.

This is at Magnolia Plantation. Banks had Lester the Ladybug for the wkend. Lester is the class pet so he got to go on our adventures with us.

Hughes took a date to Magnolia Gardens. Okay, it wasn't a date but it was definitely a girlfriend - Lucy! Apparently, Hughes was being really funny and wooing her.

Checking out the geese.

Our Crew - Hughes, Lucy, Banks, Lester the Ladybug, Charles and Frances

After looking at the geese for awhile, we braved the Petting Zoo. It was a little scary at first for Banks. Large animals coming at you looking like they were going to peck your face off - that's scary. So, I had to pick him up and carry him most of the way.

This turkey wanted to be our friend. He didn't care if we didn't have food. He just wanted to hang with us. That wasn't so bad. It was when his brothers and sisters started following us did it get to be a little weird.

I had to sneak this picture. Banks would have freaked had he seen the pig this close to him.


Our next adventure was to Birds of Prey in Awendaw. We toured the grounds but then the flight demonstration got cancelled because it started raining - boo! It was still fun and we decided to go back in the spring when it's not raining so that we can see the birds fly. Hughes said everything was a bald eagle.

Conley and Hughes - our tour guides

Family Shot - Lester the Ladybug made the shot, too.

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