Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Playgroup Christmas Party 2009

We had our neighborhood playdate Christmas party this morning. Lots of food, lots of juice boxes, lots of presents, lots of children which all equal lots of NOISE! We had caroling, instruments being played, solos being sung, words being made up to songs, and lots of FUN! Thanks Beth for hosting quite a merry party.

I have no idea what Hughes is doing in the picture above - look at his body position, it's nuts! Unfortunately, this was the best one of the boys so you can only imagine what my others looked like.

Group Shot - we keep growing every year!

Hughes definitely has something going on for Miller. He is always excited to see her. When playgrop started, it was Miller and 4 boys. So, I think, she may be all of their first loves.

Banks with cookie-icing green drool.

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