Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Crustbreakers 2009

This past weekend, David and I headed to York to go to the Centennial Celebration of Crustbreakers. Crustbreakers is a men's social group that David's dad belongs to. We had a great time and enjoyed getting to spend time with his family and friends.

While we were at the party, the kids were back at the house with a babysitter. Hughes and Kate played beautifully together while Banks tagged along and Charlotte slept. The funniest thing that happened was the older children got into some shampoo and decided to try to wash their hair without water. Banks got the most in his hair! There was no need for soap at bathtime that night!

On Sunday, we stopped by St. Matthews to visit with family that was in town from Texas. My cousin, Jeff, was graduating from USC and my mom had a big lunch in his honor. Later that day, we went to support mom in her handbell choir Christmas concert. The boys were perfect throughout the 30 minute concert and, I think, really enjoyed it. Of course, they liked the cookies even more!

Banks and Anna Banks

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