Hughes' 6th Birthday was celebrated this past weekend with a spend-the-night party at the creek house. We had five 5-6 year olds and two 4 year olds and the party went beautifully. No one got home sick, no one got in a fight, every one just had a great time.
We started the festivities with a little running around the property which quickly turned in to a fort building mission and started the tie dye process on our pirate shirts.

Banks thinks he's 6 and I treat him like he's 6 all the time! I have to remind myself that he's only 4.

Check out Banks' hair! I can't bring myself to give him a "big boy" haircut.

Pirate birthday cake courtesy of BecBec

Charlie was there, too!

The gang before we started the treasure hunt.
Hughes, William, Conley, Banks, Hudson, Thomas & Lucius.

Checking out the crab trap for the first prize.

Conley spots it!

Eyepatches for our burly pirates!

2nd prize - pirate booty!
(which quickly got eaten later in the day)


So far, they've gotten their eye patches, booty, & hats!

They just found their pirate teeth and earring.




Bryce was there to be my assistant. She worked hard.


The swords have been found!

Arrgh! David telling them to look on their maps for the "x".

In search of treasure.

Lucius practicing some sword moves.

Conley actually found the treasure box first. This treasure box was only covered by leaves.

Hughes getting to it quickly and opening it up.

Full of rings (pops), gold coins, glow-in-the-dark bracelets, etc.

Collins and PopPop taking a snooze on the porch during the hunt.
We finished off the night with hot dogs, running around outside, making a giant treasure map using sidewalk chalk, more running around, hide-and-go-seek, etc. The boys all laid down around 9 and at 10 I turned off Looney Tunes.
Sunday morning we were up bright and early at 7am. The boys were back outside running around in their pajamas. We checked on the tie dye shirts and then we were hungry.

BecBec let everyone make their own waffle. It was a thrill for the boys to make it themselves.

Group Shot with our new pirate tie dye shirts. I'm pretty impressed with how they came out.

More playing in the woods before we left to come back to Johns Island.

Sweet Lucius

Hughes hanging out in a tree.

The treasure map that David worked diligently on. Apparently mine was not good enough so David had to redo them. For the record, his are better than mine.

And, we had a lunch of pizza and yogurt with birthday cake for dessert.

Hughes wished for a puppy! WHAT!

Hudson & Conley
Hughes & William
The party was a roaring success but I'm glad I don't have to do another birthday party for about a year! This is one party-pooped mama!