Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Beach Boys 2010

Yesterday, we hit the beach. It was the first day of preschool spring break and the weather was gorgeous (High of 84). Everyone else had the same idea - the beach was packed! We carved out a little niche for us with plenty of room for digging, sandcastle building, wrestling, shell finding, and the occasional quick dip in the ocean - okay, the latter one only Hughes did. The boys are getting really easy at the beach and as long as I have enough drinks and snacks then they are okay. I do need to restock our beach toys. They are looking pretty ragged and all of our shovels keep breaking.

Sporting their new bathing suits the Easter Bunny brought.

Trying to get a brother picture but instead it started a wrestling match.

Laughing and Wrestling

Looks like we're digging but really we just fell down from wrestling.

Ahhh, spring is here and summer is around the corner!

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