Wednesday, April 28, 2010

My Three Sons

We had our 16 wk. appointment this morning. Everything looked great. It appears that David and I can only create boys because arriving in the Fall of 2010 will be Baby Boy #3. We're very excited for this 3rd son and I've always described myself as a "boy mama" so he is going to fit in

I told the boys that they were going to have a brother and Hughes told me "no, maybe a baby iguanadon or baby TRex". That then led us into the conversation of only dinosaurs can have baby dinosaurs and only humans can have baby humans. I don't think he followed my gist but he does realize that I'm not going to have a dinosaur.

Banks is excited and continues to say he has a baby in his tummy, too. He kisses my tummy and then I have to kiss his tummy. Banks is very excited about being a big brother!

Now the fun part begins, deciding on a name worthy of this 3rd son!

Not the best picture of an ultrasound picture, but you get the drift. Apparently, this boy has no modesty!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

School Picture

Who are these kids?

I'm not accusing anyone of drugging them or bribing them, I just want to know how in the world they got both of them to look at the camera and smile. I've been trying ever since Hughes was born to get him to do those two things and then Banks came along and made it that much more difficult. I need to know this school photographer's secret!

Oh, and I've already asked the school director to please schedule Christmas pictures!

Charlestowne Landing

On Tuesday we ventured to Charlestowne Landing. I think the boys had more fun just running loose than looking at the animals. Although, the "pirate ship" is always a huge highlight.

The boys harassing the turkeys - Hughes, Conley, Hudson, & Banks

Proof that Chandler was with us - she is the most relaxed toddler! She hung out in the stroller and was totally content.

Say "Cheez"

Hughes didn't want to hold Banks' hand so he had to move to the other side. I guess holding your brother's hand IS pretty gross!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Clemson Spring Game

This past weekend we went to Clemson for the day to watch the spring game and let the kids participate in Be A Tiger Day. It was a beautiful day in Clemson and we had a great time. The boys were both sporting their CJ Spiller jerseys and making their dad proud. We started the day at Tiger Town where we had a pretty bad lunch but David got to reminisce about his college days and enjoyed an ice cold beer. From there we headed over to Little John where the Be A Tiger festivities were being held. Each event(tug-o-war, rowing, hurdles, soccer, cheerleaders) was being hosted by a Clemson athlete and you had to get their signature at the completion of each event. When you got your card full, then you turned it in for a t-shirt.

David and the boys before we started our events.

Hughes and Banks dribbling the soccer ball between the orange cones.

David showing Hughes how to jump the hurdles.

Hughes attempting the hurdles - check out that form!

The boys posing with a cheerleader. This was after she painted a tiger paw on their hands. Hughes is saying "Go Tigers".

Banks trying his best at the rowing machine.

Giving the Tiger Cub a high five before the spring game.

Enjoying some cold treats during the 1st quarter. We ran into Brad and Grayson so the kids got a little time to hang out. The boys made it through the first quarter and then the days' activities took their toll and they both fell asleep in the stroller during the 2nd quarter. We left at halftime (we knew we were going to win) and headed back to York. It was a great day and it ended with a fabulous meal made by Mrs. Pat and Dr. Dave! Although it was a short visit, we really enjoyed ourselves and the boys had a great time!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Beach Boys 2010

Yesterday, we hit the beach. It was the first day of preschool spring break and the weather was gorgeous (High of 84). Everyone else had the same idea - the beach was packed! We carved out a little niche for us with plenty of room for digging, sandcastle building, wrestling, shell finding, and the occasional quick dip in the ocean - okay, the latter one only Hughes did. The boys are getting really easy at the beach and as long as I have enough drinks and snacks then they are okay. I do need to restock our beach toys. They are looking pretty ragged and all of our shovels keep breaking.

Sporting their new bathing suits the Easter Bunny brought.

Trying to get a brother picture but instead it started a wrestling match.

Laughing and Wrestling

Looks like we're digging but really we just fell down from wrestling.

Ahhh, spring is here and summer is around the corner!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Day

The Easter Bunny was good to us this year. The boys got books, new bathing suits, dinosaurs, monster trucks, bath bubbles, and sidewalk chalk. He left out the candy but that's okay because the boys had plenty in the egg hunts. We started off with the baskets and then tried to move on to hunting the eggs that the EAster Bunny left. Hughes was upset that the morning dew got the eggs wet, Banks was taking the lead from Hughes, so Charlie decided to hunt some eggs himself. Unfortunately for the boys, this meant that Charlie ate all the candy out of all the eggs. Apparently, Charlie is a big fan of Smarties! Fortunately, the boys didn't seem too disappointed.

Hughes' basket and books

Banks' basket and books

Hughes loves his space book. He even took it to church with him this morning. He's very interested in space. Well, anything science-wise really peaks his interest.

Banks briefly hunting eggs. I think he picked up 3 before calling it quits.

Family Shot after church. Look at my handsome boys! I can't imagine that next Easter there will be 5 of us!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Egg Hunt

We had a great Easter Egg hunt in the neighborhood this morning. We gathered at the stop sign at 10:30. The boys didn't seem too excited but once the "start" was given, they started off in a trot. Hughes racked up and Banks didn't do too shabby, either. We made sure to leave some eggs for the little ones.

Before the egg hunt on our front porch with their empty Easter baskets.

Banks in mid-hunt. Very serious.

Hughes showing his loot! I promise he didn't get all of the eggs!

Group shot of our neighborhood hunters.

Family Picture - more interested in what's inside the eggs!

Best Buds - Banks, Wyatt, Conley and Hughes

Easter Eggs or Dinosaur Eggs

Around our house, we have dinosaur eggs. Hughes and Banks keep changing the different types of dinosaurs but, nevertheless, they are definitely dinosaur eggs. Some are pink, some are blue and some are swirled. The boys did a great job dyeing them and, well, I'm just glad it's over. My fingers have finally turned back to their normal color and we made it through without ruining any clothes (of course, we weren't in our best duds)!

It's always great to dye eggs with friends. One big mess, lots of little hands busy at work, and lots of adult hands cleaning up and managing the fun!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Same Son, New Name

Hughes has been going to Little Lambs at church for the past couple of months. It is a Sunday School class for Hughes' age group during big church. They ask that you wear nametags because there are a lot of children and the teachers switch every Sunday. Hughes, in typical fashion, refuses to wear a nametag. No big deal to us. Well, this past Sunday he wanted to wear one. Not only did he want to wear a nametag but he wanted to write it himself.

Apparently, we have been calling our son by the wrong name.

We should be calling him "Hesh" and not "Hughes". He can write his name so I'm not sure where this came from. Luckily for him, his Aunt Elizabeth was his teacher last Sunday so I'm positive she knows his name is not "Hesh"!

12 Week Appointment

I had my 12-week appointment yesterday. Everything is going great. Here is a picture of our latest and greatest!

Boy or Girl? Who Knows?

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers