Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Collins' 18 month check up

Collins had his 18 month check-up this past Thursday.  Below are his stats:

Length: 33.5 inches    80%
Weight: 23 pounds     30%
Head Circ:  49.5 cm    93%

I had no idea that he was considered long.  Here's the latest on Collins:

  • he eats everything, throws food, and loves juice boxes
  • he's fast on the stairs, outside at the park, everywhere
  • he tries to say thank you, milk, cookie and fish
  • he can say dada, byebye, mama (if prodded) and ball
  • he loves playing outside and can climb our swingset to go down the slide by himself

Dear Collins,
      You are a mess.  You are definitely a third child.  You bring me juice boxes to drink, you eat fruit snacks with your big brothers, and you are a champ at pushing through naps and napping in the car.  God could not have given me a more perfect third child.
      Your latest achievement has been dancing but not just any kind of dancing.  Somehow you always manage to turn on my music from my iPhone and start playing Blackeyed Peas or LMFAO's Party Rock Anthem.  These are favorites of your big brothers for dancing.  Well, the other night, you started dancing too but then you got on your bottom and started spinning like you were break dancing similar to what Hughes' does.  You've got some pretty sweet moves.  Your Dad and I were thrilled to see you bust a move like that.
                                                                Keep Dancing,

Monday, April 16, 2012

Look For Me At The Ballpark!

Baseball season has started and with two boys playing on different teams I have found that a lot of my time is spent at the ballpark. Hughes is in his 2nd year of coach-pitch with Coach Rod's team. The team is mainly made up of players that started with Coach Rod three years ago with tee-ball so we're very familiar with every one. Banks is finally old enough to play tee-ball and he is thrilled. Lucius is on his team, too so that makes it all the better.

Before our first games - later to be rained out and rescheduled.

Cutie who spends just as much time at the ballpark as everyone else involved.

Fielding some balls warming up.

The rain started to drizzle at this point and about 2 minutes after this picture we had a downpour.

A couple of days later, Banks truly had his first game. Lucius and Banks "warming up" or sitting down. Whatever you want to call it!

Banks hitting and taking off!

Running strong to first base! He told me he was running like a cheetah.

It should be an interesting season with two different schedules. Hope I don't get them confused!

Happy Easter 2012

We spent Easter in York this year and started it off with an egg hunt Saturday morning at the Smith's house. 1000 eggs, about 40 children, lots of candy! That about sums it up. The boys took off at a cheetah-pace grabbing eggs like there was no tomorrow. Collins toddled around carefully choosing what eggs he would pick up and what eggs he would pass over.

It was a chilly morning so I'm glad I threw in the boys' fleeces before we left Charleston.

The Boys after the hunt.

Holman granchildren checking out their loot.

Collins loves to say "cheese" and look at the camera. None of my other children would ever do this so I'm loving this little photo stealer!

This is the best I could get of the kids with the Easter Bunny. Collins wouldn't take his eyes off of him so therefore wouldn't turn around to look at the camera and Charlotte was scared. So, we settled for 3.5 out of 5 granchildren.

Collins was enjoying the Easter Bunny. He wouldn't leave him alone. Excuse the chocolate on his sweater. He ate something he didn't like so he spit it out on his sweater.

On Sunday morning, the Easter Bunny came. The boys never noticed their baskets until after church when we told them that we thought the Easter Bunny had visited. And, yes, that is money. MaeMae and Big Daddy gave each of the boys $1 but I put it out with their baskets. The boys thought they were rich!

Then, we had to hunt the eggs in the backyard that the Easter Bunny had left. Clearly, the big kids are way better hunters that we give them credit for. Every egg was found within 5 minutes.

Collins was over it.

David and GiGi who celebrated her 93rd birthday earlier in the week.

GiGi with her great-granchildren
Hughes(6), Kate(5), Collins(1), Charlotte(3), and Banks(4)

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers