We had our first t-ball practice this past Tuesday. Hughes insists on calling his
'baseball pants and cleats" "his running pants and running shoes". We arrived a few minutes late so the Coach was already talking to the parents and kids. I didn't quite get a warm feeling from him but much more a "cut'n dry" type feeling. I realize this is t-ball but it is their first experience with an organized sport. Anywho, the coach led all the players out to 2nd base and told the parents to back-up. Hughes ran out there with the team but then got scared and refused to do anything. He just stood there while the rest of the team practiced catching and throwing. (Hughes was not the only kid who was scared and refused to participate)
Oh, he did pull his pants down and te-tee around 2nd base. I guess he was trying to get his point across of how he really felt. I was mortified but all the other parents just chuckled (probably thankful that it wasn't their kid).
Team Huddle on 2nd base - Hughes is in the blue/navy striped shirt.

On 3rd base standing with the group but still refusing the participate.

All this poor boy wanted to do was to play ball with the big boys. It was heartbreaking. How do you explain to a 2-year old that he has to wait 2 more years before he can play on a team?
Hughes did decide during batting practice that he would participate. He really enjoyed that part. They only got to hit once but, hey, at least he did something. After hitting, you're suppose to go to the outfield and field balls. Well, I had to break my lent pledge and promise chicken nuggets to Hughes if he would go out to field balls. All he did when in the outfield was yell to me "Mama, now can I get chicken nuggets?"
Next practice is on Saturday morning and David is taking him. We'll see how it goes!
1 comment:
Oh I wish you could bring him to Cameron! We had our first t-ball practice today. It was a totally different atmosphere. It was super laid back with most of the parents participating in practice. There are 2 t-ball teams though and the other team looked way more structured.
Still laughing at 2nd base! Mainly b/c it is exactly what one of mine would have done, and I was glad it wasn't me this time. :)
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