Monday, March 29, 2010

#9 for the Pirates

We had our 1st T-ball game tonight and to say that I was concerned was an understatement. But, I had no reason to be concerned because Hughes did great! He listened to the coach and really enjoyed trying to get the ball not to mention hitting the ball and running! I'm so proud of him!

Modeling our uniform - Go Chick-fil-A Pirates!

Stopping the ball.

Waiting for his turn to bat - sitting with Connor, Wyatt, and Banks

Group Shot of the Team - they all did really well and waited patiently for their turn to bat. Hayden and Banks sat with the team, too.

#9 up to bat!

Tagging 3rd, Giving the Coach a high five, and running home!

Here is a video of Hughes during the beginning of the game. I'm still in shock over how well he did! He had a great time!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Special Delivery

I've done it again. I've messed up football season! With Clemson and Carolina playing in Auburn this Fall, you would think I could hold off getting pregnant in light of those games. But,

There's a new Holman arriving in early October. We're expecting our 3rd on Oct. 8th. I'm now feeling great (tired, but what's new?) and am looking forward to really showing and not just looking pudgy. Hughes surprises us every now and then and tells people "Mama has a baby in her tummy". We've told him but we never thought he was listening. Anytime I talk about the baby with Banks he points to his stomach.

So, we're thrilled to be pregnant. We're 11 weeks and had an ultrasound last week. The baby was doing flips and looked like a future Olympian. The one thing I'm not looking forward to is being pregnant in the summer again!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

T-Ball - like it, hate it, who knows?

We had our first t-ball practice this past Tuesday. Hughes insists on calling his
'baseball pants and cleats" "his running pants and running shoes". We arrived a few minutes late so the Coach was already talking to the parents and kids. I didn't quite get a warm feeling from him but much more a "cut'n dry" type feeling. I realize this is t-ball but it is their first experience with an organized sport. Anywho, the coach led all the players out to 2nd base and told the parents to back-up. Hughes ran out there with the team but then got scared and refused to do anything. He just stood there while the rest of the team practiced catching and throwing. (Hughes was not the only kid who was scared and refused to participate)

Oh, he did pull his pants down and te-tee around 2nd base. I guess he was trying to get his point across of how he really felt. I was mortified but all the other parents just chuckled (probably thankful that it wasn't their kid).

Team Huddle on 2nd base - Hughes is in the blue/navy striped shirt.

On 3rd base standing with the group but still refusing the participate.

All this poor boy wanted to do was to play ball with the big boys. It was heartbreaking. How do you explain to a 2-year old that he has to wait 2 more years before he can play on a team?

Conley did great. Hopefully, his excitement will rub off on Hughes.

Hughes did decide during batting practice that he would participate. He really enjoyed that part. They only got to hit once but, hey, at least he did something. After hitting, you're suppose to go to the outfield and field balls. Well, I had to break my lent pledge and promise chicken nuggets to Hughes if he would go out to field balls. All he did when in the outfield was yell to me "Mama, now can I get chicken nuggets?"

Next practice is on Saturday morning and David is taking him. We'll see how it goes!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

My Birthday

Well, where do you go when you ask your 4-year old "where you should celebrate your birthday?"

Chuck E. Cheese, of course!

Today has been a great day. David surprised me this morning with the Wii Fit Plus Balance Board and took Hughes to speech this morning. Oh yeah, and he wished me a happy 33rd by mistake (I'm 34 but I'll take 33) Then, off David went to work and the boys and I headed to Chuck E. Cheese to meet some friends. They gave me a crown and I had my picture taken with Chuck E.
What more could a birthday girl want?

The boys have been great all day and I couldn't be happier with how the day is turning out. Now, we're off to our first t-ball practice.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Banana What?

While sitting around the table Saturday morning, Dawa said she had brought some banana bread down. To this Hughes' ears perked up and he got the biggest grin across his face. He asked, "banana bread" in an absurd tone. We all said, "yes, banana bread. Do you want to try some?" He thought that the phrase "banana bread" was absolutely hysterical and silly. He then said in his 4-year old humor, "like banana underpants".

I think that might have been his first crack at a joke. I guess to him "banana" and "bread" are two words that don't go together.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Mischievious Banks

Where do I begin? Banks is full of surprises and he shows me daily that he's got a mind of his own. Here are the latest of Banks' deeds:

Banks likes chocolate pie. This is how I found him when I came into the kitchen. He was so proud of himself and kept saying "cheese". I couldn't get that mad because that chocolate pie was delicious!

This is after Banks had been playing quietly in his room for about 20 minutes. It suddenly occurred to me that I should go and check on him. Well, apparently baby powder is really fun to play with! It was everywhere! Thankfully, my vacuum did the trick.

Well, there you have it - Banks and his adventures. I have a feeling there will be many more to come!

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers