Monday, November 15, 2010

Too Cute Not To Post

1. I was upstairs. Collins was downstairs in the swing and had started crying. I came down the stairs and heard Hughes singing "Happy Birthday" to him. It melted my heart. Hughes then saw me and told me that the song would make Collins happy again. He ended the song with a jubilant "I love you Collins".

2. I asked Banks if he wanted to feel Collins. He told me "mama, I can't feed Collins. I got no elbows."

3. Hughes asking me what Santa was going to bring Collins. I responded with diapers.

4. Getting in the car one night after Financial Peace Collins was crying. Hughes said "it not monsters, Collins. It's just me"

5. Banks has been quite needy these days with lots of tantrums and yelling. One morning he told me to "stop talking" when I was reprimanding him. I said "excuse me". He said " stop talking please". At least he tried to use his manners - does one right cancel out a wrong?

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Gimme a Break!

In the last week, we've had double ear infections, sinus headaches & now the stomach bug. Hughes and Banks are definitely giving us a run for our money.

Last week, Hughes woke up in the middle of the night writhing in pain. I felt so sorry for him because the Tylenol was just not cutting it. I stayed up all night on the couch with him watching Inspector Gadget - yes, you read that right. Inspector Gadget. Now, he loves it and requests it all the time. Thank goodness for Netflix! Of course, these ear infections would come after his first cold after his tubes falling out. I'm not totally convinced that we don't need another pair of tubes but time will tell.

The sinus headaches are all me and have seem to have subsided.

Now, Banks has the stomach bug. And you know what that means - who is going to get it next? This is Day 2 - yesterday was the "bottom end" portion of the stomach bug. Today he woke up at 5:30am and had thrown up in his bed. Great. Thankfully, I wasn't productive yesterday and didn't get to change the sheets like I had planned.

But, on the bright side, Collins has given us 4 nights in a row with at least a 6 hour stretch (one night was 7 hours). So, at least one son is giving us peace of mind!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Collins - 5wks. old

Oh My - Check out this Cutie!

At 5 wks. of age, Collins:

slept for 6 straight hours last night - woohoo!,
eats every 3 hours during the day,
is an excellent nurser,
does not like to have his diaper changed,
is recovering from his first cold (thanks to his big brothers),
sleeps in his car seat at night,
went to church for the first time yesterday and was perfect,
had his first bottle of formula - didn't quite know what to do with it,
gave me a smile (I don't care what the baby books say, this was not gas),
started to find his voice and is cooing,
morphs from looking like Hughes to looking like Banks, and
is loved and doted on by his big brothers!

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