Thursday, May 23, 2013

Waynewood Elementary Track Team

Anybody that has known me since high school knows that I love track.  So, when a flyer came home about the Waynewood Elementary track team I was so excited.  They had a few practices and then had one big track meet against a few other local elementary schools.  To say there were a lot of kids is an understatement.

They had a choice between running the 100, 200, 400 and 4x100 relay.  They could pick up to 4 events.  Hughes decided on the 400 and then did the long jump.

Cam and Banks there to support Hughes and Avery.

Hughes giving his name for the long jump.  This was a standing jump and totally messed up the backyard coaching I gave to Hughes about running and jumping off one foot.

Oh yeah!  

He like the long jump.  And then it was time for the 400.  There were several heats of 1st grade boys and two false starts which resulted in three boys falling and hurting themselves.  It was a little chaotic.

Hughes is beside the tie-dye boy.

Finishing strong.

Afterwards he told me that he never wanted to run that race again but he still gave me a thumbs up. 

Hughes and Avery before the events.

Track is over and next year Banks will be able to do it in kindergarten.  I love it!

1 comment:

USCEmily said...

I am almost certain that in his office at work, my dad still has the picture of you and him when he coached track at Calhoun!

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